Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

kat's picture
kat posted a new Poem titled Just Temporary Thoughts of You 21 years ago
   Just Temporary Thoughts of You There I'll be.... sitting, standing, or lying in bed quirkly little thoughts of you will...
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ontheverge's picture
ontheverge posted a new Poem titled beneficial friends ** 21 years ago
Making friends is always fun, The more the merrier, they say. Shake new hands. Wave at strangers. Kiss some cheeks. Ask when you don't want...
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starlite's picture
starlite posted a new Poem titled Confused... who's lying? 21 years ago
a hurricane of thoughts goes lashing through my head thoughts I cannot ban sleep will never come I dont want to be wrong but I am just a foo...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Da Vinci Was A Fruitarian 21 years ago
Da Vinci was a fruitarian.. say his notebooks ..Da Vinci who loved every bee, every rook
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled 11 Million Children Shafted By Bush 21 years ago
11 million children were shafted by Bush .. their $400 checks were cancelled .. while Cheney voted the tiebreaker to give himself and other...
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sudan's picture
sudan posted a new Poem titled الحريق وأحلام البلابل 21 years ago
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reneedrake's picture
reneedrake posted a new Poem titled Boston 21 years ago
Any chance someone could take my place, So I could escape to Boston? Drive all night to see my baby Take the long road out to Boston The air...
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punknunkies's picture
punknunkies posted a new Poem titled Sitting here 21 years ago
Im sitting here my friends are out too pissed to talk too pissed to shout i grind my teeth digging nails in deep throwing things love is ch...
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sudan's picture
sudan posted a new Poem titled العريس وطحالب القاع : د. جيلى عبدالرحمن 21 years ago

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sudan's picture
sudan posted a new Poem titled الحاجة الى بناء دولة قوميَّة(أمة - دولة 21 years ago
إذن دعونا نتفق على أن هدفنا هو وحدة البلاد وأن هذه الوحدة يجب أن تقوم على حقائق الواقع، فأى وحدة خلافاً لذلك غير قابلة للتطبيق ولا يعوزنا بر...
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sudan's picture
sudan posted a new Poem titled الدين والدولة 21 years ago
دعونا ننفتح وذلك لأنَّ أي مجتمع يقوم على مكونات مبتسرة لا يمكنه أن يصمد أو يعيش طويلاً. هذا هو ما ينبئنا به تاريخ البشريَّة، فالمجتمع المفتو...
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sudan's picture
sudan posted a new Poem titled مشكلة السودان وليست مشكلة الجنوب 21 years ago
نحن ننظر الى السودان بلداً سيظل موحداً وترتكز هُويته على هذين النوعين من التنوع، التاريخى والمعاصر. وهكذا فإنه منذ عام 1983، عندما أسسنا الح...
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sudan's picture
sudan posted a new Poem titled التنوع المعاصر 21 years ago
التنوع المعاصر الشكل الآخر من التنوع هو التنوع المعاصر. يتكون السودان من قوميات متعددة، من مجموعات إثنيَّة متعددة، أكثر من 500 مجموعة تتحدث...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Who is William Myers? 21 years ago
Who is William Myers? a chief legal adviser at Interior, formerly a lawyer for Kennecott, one of the world's largest coal manufacturers
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled The Marriage Of Steven Griles and Condoleeza Rice 21 years ago
The marriage of Steven Griles of the Dept of Interior and Condoleeza Rice.. both with past financial connections to Chevron.. both helping...
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