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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled LUPUS AND ME! 20 years ago
Endless doctor visits, with countless blood tests. Everyday needing to nap, cause my body has to rest. There seems to be no end, to th...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Pain 20 years ago
Its something that I live with, every single day. There are rarely times, when it goes away. They are all-encompassing aches, that my b...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Oh, Little One 20 years ago
Oh, Little One, I have a duty, to see that you grow up right. And in this world of sorrow, it fills a parent with fright. Oh, Little On...
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word_man's picture
word_man posted a new Poem titled A Potters Wheel 20 years ago
So your heart has been broken time and again Well i`m the one that can mend Put your heart in the potters hand I will mend that broken he...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Pathways 20 years ago
Some paths we take are long, stretching for many miles. Some lead us where we are going, others take us on weary trials. Many that we na...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled My Existence 20 years ago
I am but one person, in the vastness of this earth. Just one of the multitudes, that was given its birth. When I contemplate my existen...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Dreaming 20 years ago
I'm aware of darkness around me, my subconscious takes its hold. As through the paths of dreamland, the stories now unfold. Taking me to...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled For A Moment 20 years ago
For a moment, I'm a baby again, lying my mother's arms. Feeling safe and secure, no fear of pain or harm. For a moment, I'm a toddler,...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Everything Has Changed 20 years ago
It seems that things have changed, and are now very mundane. In a matter of a few hours one day, life will never again be the same. Issu...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled We Always Stand United 20 years ago
History has recorded, many years of wars. Our blood was shed in other countries, and on our fields and shores. And through it all, other...
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nat_w_dogg's picture
nat_w_dogg posted a new Poem titled Dad2 20 years ago
Can i get out? Or am i confined? You wonder why, I hate you so. You trample my heart, and still you don't know. The pain is constant, You br...
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tanya's picture
tanya posted a new Poem titled A Dream 20 years ago
      Spiritual connection              ...
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crimzontearz's picture
crimzontearz posted a new Poem titled sLeEp 20 years ago
No more tears No more fears The heartbreak has disappeared The children have been reared The bills are all paid The plan has been laid No mo...
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crimzontearz's picture
crimzontearz posted a new Poem titled WhEn 20 years ago
Sitting here All alone Wondering when My heartstrings won't be played When my emotions will be my own When i can no longer be afraid to fee...
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peggikaye's picture
peggikaye posted a new Poem titled Legacy 20 years ago
Her loving hands moved the yarn, The needle going back and forth, The verigated earthtoned threads, Not everyone would see its worth. Fro...
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