Oh, Little One

Family & Memories

Oh, Little One, I have a duty,

to see that you grow up right.

And in this world of sorrow,

it fills a parent with fright.

Oh, Little One, you're growing fast,

I'm afraid I'll run out of time.

Before my task is finished,

and I've been able to see you shine.

Oh, Little One, sometimes I am wrong,

and mistakes I know I'll make.

But all the wisdom and love I have,

are there for you to take.

Oh, Little One, my precious child,

that I carried and nurtured inside.

I've smiled when you laughed,

and hurt when you have cried.

Oh, Little One, you have my heart,

for you, there's nothing I wouldn't do.

When it comes to a parents love,

there's none more pure and true.

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