none may see the scales beneath you
the armor that runs along you
rage, like gunpowder, armed at the ready
armed at the nature
none can feel my wings graze their back when i walk by
gossamer, silky, silver and light
energy opened, aware, playful and neutral
ready to defend glory concentrate
none will want to be awakre to dead hands
the hands that steal you and your centre
pushing and forcing and frosted blood
to get no release from the hot flames
whipping and burning, leaving you smouldering
streched to a thin membrane, a point of broken glass
left alone in a cold isolation with blistered hope
none beleive their annointed pieces
the bandages blanketed over a salve
that tingles with magic, flying to cool your nerves
none feel the benefits of one and another
the protection that is offered
the peace that we give us in every form we know
but when you are in limbo, i will be your wall
none will see what we dont want them to