Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

baby_bear's picture
baby_bear posted a new Poem titled Six days 22 years ago
The first day we met was the best day of my life The second day i seen you my heart skipped a beat The third day you held me tight oh i re...
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baby_bear's picture
baby_bear posted a new Poem titled Unknowen 22 years ago
Could you say "I love you" Can you hold tight Will you catch me when i fall From something thats so high If i asked you to let me be' Woul...
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ecw's picture
ecw posted a new Poem titled Thoughts 22 years ago
           This Morning I Was Fast Asleep,        ...
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Nicole.J.Burgess's picture
Nicole.J.Burgess posted a new Poem titled The Price I Paid 22 years ago
The price I paid for loving you was losing my own heart convinced me you loved me and that we would never part. The price I paid was by far...
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Nicole.J.Burgess's picture
Nicole.J.Burgess posted a new Poem titled Will You Be There. 22 years ago
Please don't tell me that you'll stay that you'll always be there don't say that you won't dump me off don't promise that you'll always care...
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Nicole.J.Burgess's picture
Nicole.J.Burgess posted a new Poem titled How Far Would You Go 22 years ago
How far would you go to prove your love is true how long would it take for my demise how long could I stand up and not give in to you how lo...
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hhickson's picture
hhickson posted a new Poem titled Let's Roll 22 years ago
Let's roll. Two little words that galvanized a divided nation Making it whole. Let's roll. Two little words, spoken in a hero's last breath...
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bj7's picture
bj7 posted a new Poem titled Tough Times 22 years ago
Might be for the best but I'll die like the rest With out a bulletproof vest Alone in the dark Walking the tight rope over a tank full of s...
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bj7's picture
bj7 posted a new Poem titled Wrecked 22 years ago
I'm a wreck again All over again I'm a wreck, shit stains on my shirt A boot in the arse, knife in the chest That fucked up feeling in the b...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] كذا قلنا و كذا ندري 22 years ago
كذا قلنا و كذا ندري بان فؤادك الاحمر يطرزه صبغه الأصفر ويسجي في مضانينا عبير الورد  و السكر يموج البحر في الأعماق و يلثم شاطئي...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] عاشق فصلك 22 years ago
أنا عشت من أجلك و عقدت العزم في وصلك فلما تبعد بيننا  الأيام لماذا تعلو صيحاتك وتشهق روح زفراتك اذا فابقي أني  عاشق فص...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] طبع الناس 22 years ago
وهذا طبعنا احيان و طبع الناس في الدينا تعلى و ارتقي الأوقات وسافر في سماء الأحياء فلا تبقى في مهب الريح يزيلن وحده الإعياء فليس لغربة...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] علميني 22 years ago
علميني كيف أمسى باهنا وعيني على بعدك ذر وف علميني كيف أرسم قبلتي وأنت بعدتي يا لعطوف علميني كيف ينظر لك فؤادي والعمى يبعد حروف علميني...
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hushbaby's picture
hushbaby posted a new Poem titled What Is It? 22 years ago
it's so many things it's you it's her then it's her and i don't have time to deal with me and then deal with all of you not that i'd call it...
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dee's picture
dee posted a new Poem titled Thoughts in a Day 22 years ago
The wind whistles as it beats against the trees Listen, look up, and fall to your knees Like holding the sun in the palm of your hand Time s...
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