Today I’m grateful for the stars
because on the twinkling light of their beams…
all I have to do is close my eyes
to send up my wishes, hopes and dreams.
We took a night hike through the woods…our path lit only by the moon
Along the way we heard crickets, coyotes and Chuck-Will’s-Widows croon
A hike in the quiet of the evening is always captivating!
but what made this hike more special were the telescopes that were waiting.
For when our hike was over…spreading out before our eyes…
The St. Pete Astronomy club had set their lenses up…pointing at the sky.
They offered us a close-up look…a kind of walk among the stars…
where we observed the crescent shape of Venus…a glowing Sirius and Mars.
As we walked upon the surface and then into the craters of the moon
for a little while on that evening…with the heavens we were attuned…
And while we were thinking how special the Earth is to have one moon we adore…
we were shown the planet Jupiter and her moons…we counted four!
We learned about the constellations and the stories the Greeks had spun…
We learned how the stars shine with their own light but how the planets need the sun.
After a while clouds blanketed the sky…shutting off all planet and starlight…
as if the moon was telling us we’d seen enough…it’s time to say goodnight.
As we walked away we glanced one last time…up at that heavenly sea…
which for years we’ve been amazed at all our naked eyes could see…
But now we have a new appreciation for the moon, for Venus, for Jupiter and Mars…
and we will never see them the same way again…having walked among the stars.
Our friends and family form stars in a mini-universe…
A universe where joy and sorrow are shared.
Their stars are constantly orbiting our star
while our star orbits theirs.
Some of the stars are bright
while others have a softer hue.
Some of the stars have been orbiting a long time
while other stars are new.
Some of the stars are gone now
their light we can no longer see…
shooting stars who have landed
in our hearts periphery.
One of the beauties of our life
that keeps our star aglow
is knowing every day there is a chance
for our universe to grow.
And knowing there is something
that will always make us smile…
when the orbits of our stars come together
If only for a little while.
When we look up at the stars
may we be blessed… their glow and beauty to savor…
And when we see them looking back at us…
do our best to return the favor.
When you walk under the stars in the early morning…quiet and serene…
have you ever stopped to wonder about all the things those stars have seen?
In all the years they’ve hovered over us…as well as every mountain… every sea
think of all that they have witnessed…every joy…every tragedy.
Think of all the plans they’ve seen made…some wonderful…some misbegotten.
Think of all the dreams they’ve seen come true…and all the other ones forgotten.
Think of all the love they’ve seen shared…before each life is through.
think what it must be like for them to witness all the hatred too.
I wonder if we really understand how the stars have been watching us…
from the moment our first breath is drawn…
and how they will be watching…long after we are gone.
And since they share with us their stardust from the moment of our birth…
shouldn’t we try to be more like the stars in our time upon the Earth?
To live knowing everyone we see is our sister and our brother…
to glow as bright we can glow…and shed our light on one another.
In the short time we are here…in this life that we are notching…
shouldn’t we try to glow as pure and bright as we can glow…
knowing all the stars are watching.