After an election that has left us divided…a nation torn apart…
one bishop hoped her words would resonate…would find a way into our hearts.
With the courage of her convictions she spoke…
words filled with hope and humility.
She made a plea for, respect, for honesty
for compassion, for kindness and empathy
She spoke of her hopes and wishes…simply…unpretentiously…
ideas that form the basis of all religions….
all faiths…all spirituality.
Her words were not new words…they’ve been spoken many times before…
You can find them in the words of Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, the Tao
and many many more.
Unfortunately her words meant to unite and help to ease our nation’s fears
floated from her pulpit and landed on deaf ears.
Some people, even those who call themselves religious,
who have forgotten their religion states to love everyone the same
called her uninspiring, nasty and displayed to the world their wickedness
when they chose to call her names.
I believe every religion was created for concepts, like the Bishop’s, to extol.
and though they may walk down different pathways
I believe love and acceptance is every religion’s goal.
A love that’s meant to find its way into our minds and souls and hearts
A love that’s meant to unite us as a people…not to tear us all apart.
So I stand with the bishop…whose words transcend all religions
who set a perfect example of piety…
And I pray for the day when everyone…
will stand with the bishop and me.
I dream about a world where every one wakes up each day
Looks out their window and sings at the top of their lungs….
Let their be peace on Earth…
and let it begin with me.
Since the dawn of civilization…since we humans were begun
look at all we have accomplished…look at all the things we’ve done.
When you stop to think about it…our accomplishments are grand…
We built boats to take us across the waters…
and cars so we can drive across the land.
We’ve learned to harness the wind and sun…
to glide high in a balloon….
We’ve sent rockets to the stars.
We landed people on the moon.
We learned how to use electricity and fire
to provide us with warmth and light.
We built houses with indoor plumbing…
We taught ourselves to read and write.
When you look at all we’ve accomplished…
and how every day we add something new
It makes one stop and wonder…
is there anythings we human’s can’t do?
But there is a downside to our creativity…if you’re keeping score…
We’ve also created different ways to kill each other….
In our hate…we’re created guns and bombs…and war.
Oh, how I wish we humans would combine our expertise…
Would put our collective minds together
and find a way to create peace.
Creating peace, I believe, would be our greatest accomplishment of all…
And…until we do all our other achievements
will seem meager,
and small.
When it comes to peace:
May we be blessed with the humanity
the compassion
the acceptance
and the generosity…to deserve it
as well as the character
the courage…
the wisdom
and integrity to preserve it.
They come to our door dressed as witches…as princesses…
as wizards, as ghosts and goblins too…
As pirates, as cowgirls, as ladybugs…
as warriors who know karate or kung-fu.
“Trick-or-treat!” They say…
as through the night their numbers increase.
They look into our bowl of candy and ask,
“Please, may I have a piece?”
We gladly hand a piece to every baby
every child…every teen…
and when they say, “Thank you!”
we all smile and say, “Happy Halloween!”
For one night the troubles we face in this world are forgotten…
because with every girl and boy…
under the costume…behind the masks
we see the innocent faces of peace and love and joy.
At the end of the evening we gaze into our bowl
that through the night by the children has been picked clean….
And I always wish handing out peace in the world
was as easy as handing out a piece of candy on Halloween.
I also make a second wish
once and all the monsters, ghosts and goblins have been fed:
I wish that while filling their bags with another piece of candy
we could assure them of a life filled with peace ahead.
Every day…may acceptance and compassion in each of us increase…
and may we continue to comfort one another
and be instruments of peace
Today’s blessing is a hope that, one day,
we can find a way to resolve our differences
without the need to fight…
without the need kill.
Because as history has shown…
No good has ever comes from war
and no good ever will…
May we learn from the peace bell that sits high atop a hill in Duluth,
which holds inside it’s chimes and everlasting truth….
That people who, at first, do no get along
can also make amends
that individual friendships can promote understanding
and that enemies can become friends.
Let me tell you about Duluth…one of the many highlights of our trip
She has an aerial lift bridge (which from our hotel room we could view)
where the entire road is lifted up so the big ships can float through.
It’s Interesting when a ship is through the channel
it gives a horn sequence of two long and then two short toots
which the bridge operator repeats…completing the salute.
Duluth is a beautiful city…from our hotel it was such a thrill
to see the waters of Lake Superior as well as the houses on her hills
We took a scenic ride up into those hills…paused to enjoy the summer flowers
then stopped to visit atop Enger hill…a place called Enger Tower.
In the park where Enger tower sits…(the wonders of this trip never seem to cease)
there is a Japanese Zen garden and a huge bell…dedicated to peace.
The gardens are quite beautiful…peace is a beautiful thing
and in the quiet of the gardens you are encouraged to make the peace bell ring.
he USS Duluth took Ohara-Isumi’s, original bell in World War II…after Japan’s fall
and gave it to Duluth…where it was displayed in their city hall.
Years later Ohara-Isumi asked that it be returned …hoping for a good deed
to which the city of Duluth wholeheartedly agreed.
So long after a devastating war was over…Ohara-Isumi, gave Duluth a call
they put their differences aside and became sister cities after all.
Ohara-Isumi gave Duluth this peace bell…a replica of the one they had returned…
reminding us when it comes to war and peace…we still have a lot to learn.
As together Deborah and I made that bell chime
we thought of the men and women who fought and died all those years before
with the hope that ringing a peace bell could help stop all future wars.
We made two long then two short chimes on that bell
as a salute to those men and women who fought and died following their commands
praying one day peace will ring out
in every household,
every city
every corner of every land.,,