After an election that has left us divided…a nation torn apart…

one bishop hoped her words would resonate…would find a way into our hearts. 


With the courage of her convictions she spoke… 

words filled with hope and humility.

She made a plea for, respect, for honesty 

for compassion, for kindness and empathy


She spoke of her hopes and wishes…simply…unpretentiously…

ideas that form the basis of all religions….

all faiths…all spirituality.


Her words were not new words…they’ve been spoken many times before…

You can find them in the words of Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, the Tao

and many many more.


Unfortunately her words meant to unite and help to ease our nation’s fears

floated from her pulpit and landed on deaf ears.


Some people, even those who call themselves religious, 

who have forgotten their religion states to love everyone the same

called her uninspiring, nasty and displayed to the world their wickedness

when they chose to call her names.


I believe every religion was created for concepts, like the Bishop’s, to extol.

and though they may walk down different pathways

I believe love and acceptance is every religion’s goal.


A love that’s meant to find its way into our minds and souls and hearts

A love that’s meant to unite us as a people…not to tear us all apart.


So I stand with the bishop…whose words transcend all religions

who set a perfect example of piety…

And I pray for the day when everyone…

will stand with the bishop and me.

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