# mourning # grieving # loss# mom

Why do mothers have to die?


God, When Mom goes to heaven, will she see me sad?
Will she hear me cry?  
Will you make her feel comfy, will you please try?
She likes pumpkin pie made with care.
She likes a big, soft, cushy chair. Oh, you’ll need to have an ottoman there.
She likes Paul Mitchell for her hair.
She likes bags of ice and bottled water, not tap!
She likes two down filled pillows when she takes a nap.
She likes liverwurst with ketchup on white bread.
She likes iced tea, by the case, not regular, diet instead.
She likes to watch TV; she leaves it on when she sleeps.
She likes to keep her teeth in; she uses them when she eats.
She likes to have her glasses.
But! She loses them on top of her head,
so you better just give her new eye sight instead.
She likes to smell beautiful! Boloja would be a great treat.
She likes all things that are bad to eat.
She also likes those Indian moccasins on her feet.
She likes ponds cold cream for her face.
She likes two piece pajamas, stretchy, no lace.
She likes a good book, she loves to read.
John Grisham, Stephen king, provide these to her I plead.
She likes no yelling if she has a choice,
So if my dad made it up there, please lower his voice!
Oh God! You know what would be great?
 If you could have my brothers Lenny and Mark, Lea & Mike to   meet her at the  gate she would give them a big hug 
Im sure there'll be sure to shed a tear,
But, I know seeing them will ease all her fears. 
Oh! And please tell the rest of the family she's there.. 0 and can you please have all of our dogs at the gate? I'm afraid they met an early fate. Oh why do mothers have to die? Will she see me sad will she hear me cry I love you, mommy. I'll always love you so much.
Author's Notes/Comments: 

My mother my 19 ur old son, the greatest losses of my life.

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The Voice

Author's Notes/Comments: 

please tell me your thoughts on this one.

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