Today I’m grateful for moon…
who for years has been a friend of mine…
reminding me even when I’m not perfect…
I have the ability to shine.
I shared a smile with the moon this morning as I walked under the spotlight of her glow…
when she said, “This morning I am shining on the richest man I know”.
Then…she seemed to shine a little brighter saying, “This morning from afar…
let me highlight all the things that show just how rich you are.
She shined her light upon our house where inside Deborah was still sleeping
and I thought of all the years we’ve lived here…and all the memories it’s keeping.
Our children who grew up in this house no longer live here..
and as I was about to feel blue….
the moon reminded me she’s shining on all of them this morning too,
As well as on our grandchildren…wherever they all happen to be…
while at the same time shining on every member of our extended family.
And then through a layer of clouds pushed by a morning breeze…
She said, “I’m shining on the rabbits you love…the flowers and the trees.”
She said, “I’m shining across the world…
on all your acquaintances who’ve become your friends….
I’m shining just to show you…how far your riches extends.”
I think I heard her chuckle as I walked in her moonlight down the street
When she said, “I’m even shining down on friends and family…
you have yet to meet.”
When my walk was over I stopped to thank the moon for sharing her morning glow…
then I opened the door and entered the house…of the richest man I know.
Today a blessing for the moon…
That she never stop burning bright…
and that we find comfort in the darkness that surrounds her…
as well as glimmers of hope within her light