
General Patton, do you know my Jesus?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem could easily go in the War or Religion folder, but I just picked war because I felt like it.  This poem means pretty much what is says.  Jesus is with everyone, even in the eyes of the enemy.  He knew when he hung on that cross about EVERY single war, every terrible plauge, every disasterous event, and he knew how they would all end.  He also died so that we wouldn't have to spend an eternity suffering.  Think about the next time your in pain.  Chances are, your not nailed to a cross with almost no clothes in the heat of day, with thorns adorned on your head, and people mocking you.  He was so that you don't have to be.

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is dedicated to my grandfather, Edward Milo Creekmore.  He fought in WWII, and he was the toughest technical sergeant on that field.  He fought through the rapido river crossing.  Over 200 American troops went in to that squirmish, and less than 12 made it out.  

NOTE: My grandfather is ill.  He can no longer walk easily, and he has lost weight.  However, he has strength.  He has the strength of many, and allthough he hasn't been at war for some time, he will keep on fighting his bravest.  God bless that man.
UPDATE: Grandpa passed away recently.  God rest his soul.

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Remember the Alamo!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Ok, definitely NOT one of my best.  Give me a break, I wrote this a LONG time ago.  Anywho, it's a decent history poem.

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Combat Zone

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was inspired by reading the anonomous song of mercenaries online.  I thought that I could do better than that song, so I took a few lines and built up from there.  This is the stuff, right here.  100% pure me, and read it and ponder to yourself, "War is ugly.  War is despicable.  War is war."

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Out of the Blue

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Another one about the atomic bomb.  So really, what do you think might happen to YOU if an a-bomb fell out of the blue?

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A Theory of Light Against Dark

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Death isn't necessary unless it is natural. Unfortunately in our day and age, death is almost always caused by a small piece of lead in your chest.

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Wyvern's Crusade

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm bored, and I just watched Reign of Fire. And I just got my teeth drilled too, wasn't fun.

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Dear American Soldier,

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written during 'Operation Iraqi Freedom'

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Upon Dying Lips Of A Union Soldier

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