

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The bravado of young men about to have a fight whether it be War or on the streets of the UK. After the Falklands War some veterans became involved in football hooliganism another `gang ` only this time there was no medals for fighting.

Dave Brown, a former private from the 2nd Battalion, the Parachute Regiment, is just one of hundreds of soldiers and sailors from that far-away conflict for whom the war is still going on. Like them, he is a victim of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and his life has been permanently damaged. Still only 37, he can no longer work but must live on a military pension and constantly re-assessed state benefits. He used to have a serious drink problem and has served time in prison for football hooliganism. That he is still married makes him one of the lucky ones. The stories of his former comrades in arms are littered with divorce and broken relationships. Some have become virtual hermits, turning their backs on a society which doesn't understand and doesn't care; many others are homeless, hardened alcoholics or have spent time in jails and mental institutions. Dozens are thought to have committed suicide. It is a desperately sad conclusion to the story of Britain's most celebrated modern feat of arms, a million miles from the flag-waving jingoism and military hero- worship that characterised the war. And every month still brings news of fresh casualties

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

parfois cela fait du bien de lacher la vaqpeur!

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