Upgrades Scheduled for 22 Feb 2013 between 5AM & 8AM GMT

3 replies [Last post]
admin's picture
Joined: 1998/07/13

We will be down for upgrades between 5am and 8am GMT.


A few of the upgrades are:

- ability to see only recent activity (posts, comments, wall) for only your friends or site-wide

- ability to post content that only your friends can see

- ability to sign in with facebook and link your account to facebook

- post to facebook when you post a new poem or write a comment

- new Facebook LIKE button

- ability to follow people without being their friend

- option to get email notifications when your friends post something new

- each person will have their own RSS feed that can be subscribed too in a google reader or similar

Jason Minton
PostPoems Admin

admin's picture
Joined: 1998/07/13

All upgrades are completed, let me know if you have any questions.  

Jason Minton
PostPoems Admin

ashes_theartofburning's picture
Joined: 2007/05/03

This all sounds so wonderful!

Thank you Jason!

I'm excited! Tongue Out

"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo

MatthewWayne's picture
Joined: 2003/02/02


"I am my own sort of strange, a supernova of madness and brillance. Forced to share the same space and time. Sane enough to not be seen, yet not crazy enough to be heard." -- Matthew Wayne