How Many Reads am I getting? View Counts Added!!!

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admin's picture
Joined: 1998/07/13

I just added a counter to count how many times your poems are getting read.

The number shows up in a few places... It shows on all your folder lists, on your overall portfolio list, and at the bottom of each poem.

The numbers start at 0 as of right now.

Jason Minton
PostPoems Admin

MatthewWayne's picture
Joined: 2003/02/02
That is awesome!!!   also

That is awesome!!!


also love the new forum style thingy!! hahaha

(though I wish it were a lot easier to copy and past from like openoffice without the double spaces)

"I am my own sort of strange, a supernova of madness and brillance. Forced to share the same space and time. Sane enough to not be seen, yet not crazy enough to be heard." -- Matthew Wayne