Is PostPoems dead?

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cynosure's picture
Joined: 2007/07/31

I don't believe one grows older. I think that what happens early on in life is that at a certain age one stands still and stagnates. - T. S. Eliot.


I fear PostPoems at 26(?) has reached that age. With no more new members being able to join since early this year. Whilst I have been here a long time most interactions of late have been with spammers. The community spirit and interactions that made this site once so appealin, do appear to be a thing of the past. It feels that PostPoems now is an evolutionary dead end. Am I wrong?



Alliswend bin ich nicht, doch vie list mir bewußt.

georgeschaefer's picture
Joined: 2018/03/05
I've only been here less than

I've only been here less than 6 and a half years.  In that time, there have been a few poets I like that have passed away.  There are also a couple that left the site and a few that have become more active.  I also notice some people disappear for awhile and then come back.  Others pop in intermittedly.  I really like that this site is very unobtrusive.  everyone can do what they want and there is little censorship.  I think it still serves a purpose. It is a great repository for my poems.  I do publish stuff but this is a place that someone can show up and read the work anytime they want for free.  I would like a bit more interaction but it is still such a valuable site for us poets.

cynosure's picture
Joined: 2007/07/31

I have admittedly been here for longer. At the start, there were a lot more interactions with other poets. I know I have not been very good at initialising interactions, mainly due to my AuDHD and cPTSD.

I have recently signed up with another site that does force said interactions on you. Essentially, for any poem/prose you post, you must first comment on at least three other poets before publication. Is that the best method? I don't believe I can answer that at this stage. For other people on the spectrum, I imagine it may also be a little confronting.  

Alliswend bin ich nicht, doch vie list mir bewußt.

uninvited_1's picture
Joined: 2005/05/17
I too think this community is

I too think this community is rapidly dying. It's unfortunate because this is by far the best laid out designed place to post and organize my work. At least for me anyways.

cynosure's picture
Joined: 2007/07/31

Yes,  I agree 100%. I had recently suggested to a few of my clients struggling with descriptive writing to join the community here for further support. It was only then that I discovered that no new members could join. 

Alliswend bin ich nicht, doch vie list mir bewußt.

weepingwoman's picture
Joined: 2017/09/25
I like it here...


For me it is a quiet cafe where I can sit off in a corner with my pen & my notebook, a cup of chai & a joint and write to my heart's content... and I feel the Community Spirit everytime the views tells me someone has taken a moment out of their busy day to stop by and read my words_()_


cynosure's picture
Joined: 2007/07/31
Thank you

I also appreciate you taking the time to respond to me. Your comment is definitely food for thought. Also a tad jealous that the laws here are so backward I cannot partake with my beverage of choice. 

Alliswend bin ich nicht, doch vie list mir bewußt.