Hi I'm uninspired, I just wanted to have a place to freely write and have a place where people can freely write. I mostly write about emotions in general; mine or others that i have come across. I have a lot of social anxiety so my writing is my outlet i guess you can say. I can't express my self properly so my parents, friends, and therapist say so i on the outside i can come across very dry and apathetic. Any enough of that be free to wrtite anything you want!
Sometimes I wish Earth was flat.
I’d walk for day’s to reach the end.
Even if it took me years to find the edge, even if it took me till the day before I die to get there I’d walk day and night.
And once I get to the edge I’d sit there till sun set; staring at whatever the edge of the world looks like and the sun setting and think just as the day turns to night I’d say “I’ve walked day and night to get here, I’m tired it’s time for me to rest.” And I’d walk off the edge feeling no regret. Because as I was walking to my destination I would experience so many things. My life experience was spent traveling across the world; meeting people, eating different things, adventuring and at the end it was all fulfilled by the sun set which I longed for. Being alone with my thoughts one last time feeling the energy of the earth fill my body, warming me than leaving with a cold chill as it leaves when the day turned to night. Now I’m falling endlessly to who knows where. I will feel no regret as my mind and bodies wishes were fulfilled.
And this is why I wish the Earth was flat.
BY:Marisa Chau