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Starward commented on: Not Platforums by saiom 2 years 38 weeks ago
Hard to believe that party: Hard to believe that party was founded by, among others, Abraham Lincoln.  
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Pungus commented on: Heads Or Tails? by humanfruit 2 years 38 weeks ago
Ecstacy: One of the finest compliments I have ever received!
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vjochum commented on: Happy Birthday In Heaven Daniel by vjochum 2 years 38 weeks ago
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sweetwater commented on: JOY AND SORROW by joy 2 years 38 weeks ago
Oh my gosh this is heart: Oh my gosh this is heart wrenching yet very,very clever, and so beautifully done. Tears in my eyes. sue.
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allets commented on: HOW'S THE WEATHER? by georgeschaefer 2 years 38 weeks ago
Weather Or Not: . freezing outside  - 20 to 60 degrees below zero - okay. Or over 101 degrees in the shade - stay home. Stop that discussion? 10 ft of snow? Hmmmm. . . . When the snows of the Himalayas visited India or rains wiped out your business - bitter, talk about bitter old men and women bein' bitter when 100-200 year old homes washed away or were hurricaned or tornadoed away - in your face or basement weather surely is allowed. . I kinda missed Trump, lots to talk about daily closer to tv and movie drama. Like Tonga, the acid rain might be spoken of depending on what way weather directs winds over your city.. Some people do not believe in climate shifts - it has to rain fire on them first, I guess, to make them read up on the topic. Wrestling - lots of readers there. . Sorry for the rant - I talk weather alla time. 10 million tons of lava spewing from Tonga is an event worthy of commuter topics. Less bitter vs. just tired of bad news.  . Lady A .
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saiom commented on: The Language of Wonder by patriciajj 2 years 38 weeks ago
 You were the muse of the:   You were the muse of the following poem with your magnificent poem and specifically 'swarm of stars'. Earlier in another poem you wrote of the audience of stars. Bless you .. you are always a muse.  
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patriciajj commented on: Gray Sky and Gray Sea by saiom 2 years 38 weeks ago
You write amazing micropoems!: You write amazing micropoems! You not only freeze-frame a vivid moment in nature, but use it to enlighten and instruct. Here, the light is made more glorious by contrast. Another jewel. 
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patriciajj commented on: Misnamed ProLife by saiom 2 years 38 weeks ago
Excellent point. I have: Excellent point. I have actually been torn on this issue, but I do know this: If you're going to treasure a human life before birth you need to support it after it's born as well, but instead, the Right generally cuts safety nets and education (An investment, not a luxury!) and introduces them to the brutal individualism you describe.   In countries where contraception is widely available and abortion is legal, the abortion rate is actually lower than countries with restrictive laws. I also don't believe it's a coincidence that in these progressive nations, millions aren't one paycheck away from homelessness and children aren't among those sleeping in the cold.   We need to make this nation a better place to be born into before we judge pregnant women. Always enjoy your perspectives. 
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patriciajj commented on: Maya Of The Moon by saiom 2 years 38 weeks ago
A wondrous analogy for: A wondrous analogy for physical life itself. For a "mere jot" in our endless adventure, it all seems so real. With stunning precision and impressive eloquence, you put the ordinary into life-altering perspective. How often does the "stolen light" hypnotize us into forgetting the magnificence beyond this fleeting illusion, and most importantly, the magnificence of Who We Really Are.    Thank you kindly for the acknowledgment. You are an inspiration! 
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patriciajj commented on: Heads Or Tails? by humanfruit 2 years 38 weeks ago
If I want to read something: If I want to read something jaw-dropping, I come here and I'm never disappointed. First you present some stunning imagery that is almost supernatural, then you stun again with an astounding description of the ultimate bliss.   I was already tripp'n with "winged ether" when you hit me with "soul-snatching massage". I mean, Wow! When your pen is set free it goes places beyond most mortals' imagination.    Always a pleasure and an honor to read you. 
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Vergil At Mantua by J-C4113D 2 years 38 weeks ago
Denouncing violence and the: Denouncing violence and the ravenous hunger for power, the Poet represents everything beautiful left in the world. In sharp contrast to the unthinkable carnage, you created a blissful sanctum where "Erotic love is a truth of its own."    The lyrical structure is the perfect foil for the horror beyond as it vibrates with the nurturing sweetness within. The conclusion blossoms with the type of love no army can defeat. Beautifully explosive. Superb. 
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.225 MHz: WallStones; Die Thou, Unsung, As Tears Unshed by J-C4113D 2 years 38 weeks ago
If only this alternate: If only this alternate universe was our own! You raised our consciousness and dared us to dream in this fiery testament to the supremacy of Love represented by the free spirit who "bears the cosmos deeply in each eye".    A gorgeously penned, rousing and hopeful dream of justice. 
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patriciajj commented on: We Saw Ourselves by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 38 weeks ago
An excellent commentary that: An excellent commentary that breaks through the facade of flag-draped heroism that is, as you said, nothing new, but the "story of us". A wry and surgical wit underscores the tragedy of history (and arrogance) repeating itself:   "we get to be the heroes, then and once the mirrors are all broken we can live with that."   Not only can we live with that, but we can perpetuate the "night of glass" today and tomorrow under the guise of righteousness because "what superhero isn't benevolent?". You cut deep with a sword of unsparing truth. I truly loved this strikingly insightful observation:    "a flag flapped violently, yes like every flag i've ever met. i've met winners, but good guys? not yet."   Precisely! So well said I wanted to applaud.    A brilliant indictment.           
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burkej1h commented on: Gray Sky and Gray Sea by saiom 2 years 38 weeks ago
While the dawn breaks with: While the dawn breaks with aristocracy 
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sweetwater commented on: Wasted Ink. by sweetwater 2 years 38 weeks ago
It's Thank you, it's a bit of: Thank you, it's a bit of a weird thing though: writing a poem that says 'I can't write a poem'!  Although I'm still awaiting inspiration for something more, whatever that is. sue :-)
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