It’s the old standby.  We can always talk about the weather.  Is there anything more universal?  We all look outside our window and see the rain or the sunshine.  Sometimes we can catch glimpses of a sunrise or a sunset. 


And then we step outside and feel the weather.  It might be hot or cool.  Sometimes, it’s hot but then you get a heavenly breeze that  makes it feel all right.  Other times, it’s just so humid that you feel like you’re walking through soup.


It’s the default topic of conversation at the bus station or even in the office.  We can’t talk politics anymore.  We can’t talk about religion without setting a gimp off.  So we can either talk about the weather or professional wrestling.  Of course, there are too many marks following professional wrestling so that can be a tricky subject of conversation.


So everyone has to discuss the weather.  If it’s 98 degrees out, you get a continuous stream of morons asking you, “Is it hot enough for you, yet?”  The proper response to a moron like that is to inform them you would like an additional 5 or 10 degrees warmer. 


Then you get the “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity” crew.  These are also folks that have run out of ideas or interesting things to talk about.  You don’t complain about the humidity when it’s 65 degrees.  It’s a combination of the heat and humidity that is making things so oppressive.  Stop jerking me around with your inanity.  Besides, if you’ve ever been in an arid desert, you’ll know that the heat by itself can be pretty damn oppressive.


You will also get to deal with the “At least, it’s not snowing” imbeciles when it’s raining.  Actually, I prefer the snow.  I can walk through snow without getting overly wet.  Rain just means that I have to arrive at the office with socks that will remain wet and damp for the entire 10 hour shift.  Yeah, that’s way better than snow. 


Of course, we should at least give points for trying.  A lot of people just simply aren’t that interesting and they don’t have that much to talk about.  Weather always seems to be the default topic of conversation for the uninteresting. 


Well, I guess we just have to take it.  After all, nobody wants to be the cliché addled dick telling people to “get a life.”  I have noticed a trend that the people who use that cliché are usually the people who most desperately need to get one.  Oh well, that’s another topic for another day.  Once weather is discussed, we have to move on to a plethora of hackneyed clichés.  But that will be tomorrow’s discussion.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

aka becoming a bitter old man

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Weather Or Not


freezing outside  - 20 to 60 degrees below zero - okay. Or over 101 degrees in the shade - stay home. Stop that discussion? 10 ft of snow? Hmmmm. . .


When the snows of the Himalayas visited India or rains wiped out your business - bitter, talk about bitter old men and women bein' bitter when 100-200 year old homes washed away or were hurricaned or tornadoed away - in your face or basement weather surely is allowed.


I kinda missed Trump, lots to talk about daily closer to tv and movie drama. Like Tonga, the acid rain might be spoken of depending on what way weather directs winds over your city.

Some people do not believe in climate shifts - it has to rain fire on them first, I guess, to make them read up on the topic. Wrestling - lots of readers there.


Sorry for the rant - I talk weather alla time. 10 million tons of lava spewing from Tonga is an event worthy of commuter topics. Less bitter vs. just tired of bad news. 


Lady A




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