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saiom commented on: Blood moon by humanfruit 2 years 36 weeks ago
response:   not taking people's critical projections internally   ... is an art that takes a while to develop .. perhaps only self realized masters can do it
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saiom commented on: Keep or delete? by humanfruit 2 years 36 weeks ago
  Cinderella without a savior:   Cinderella without a savior prince   human trafficking all over the world Thaddeus Golas:  Reality is a horror story and many people love horror stories
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allets commented on: Earth's Allies by allets 2 years 36 weeks ago
Revisiting The Elementals: I can't believe I wrote these. They are funny! 01-30-22 Still a hoot :D . Lady A .   
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allets commented on: Water's Allies by allets 2 years 36 weeks ago
thanks for the comment aug 4th 2013: It has been a while since I looked at these - In war sides must be both to win - One of few great and rare observations. Intriguing? Like football teams and chess - offensive plays vs. defensive moves. Yeah, like that. Thanks.   . Lady A . 
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saiom commented on: Can't Get Out by exthias1983 2 years 36 weeks ago
  God answer your beautiful:   God answer your beautiful prayer.   "My thoughts are too loud."  I once asked someone to stop reading my    mind and he replied... 'stop thinking so loud".   The Course In Miracles says 'the body need do nothing'. I found that when I accepted that and truly relaxed, the energy began to come in like, as my teacher says, dew into a coconut.   Imo you don't need to get out of your head.. just let peace flow into your head and through your brain arteries.    
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Starward commented on: + 1ST POEMS: Faith That Is Stellaring, 2 by J-C4113D 2 years 36 weeks ago
I apologize for my delay in: I apologize for my delay in responding to this wonderful comment.  I am glad and grateful for what you have seen in the poem.  I think poems if this kind, among others, are what I am supposed to be doing with my time at this stage in my life.  Thanks again for the encouragement.
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Starward commented on: The Star by saiom 2 years 36 weeks ago
Thank you.  Turning starward,: Thank you.  Turning starward, I am only a servant of the great Star---the bright one, the morning one---revealed in Revelation 22:16.  I am most grateful that you sent me the link to this poem, and for the very kind mention within it.
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saiom commented on: The World In Which We Are by THWYALG 2 years 36 weeks ago
  an almost fathomless:   an almost fathomless poem thank you
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Starward commented on: THE CONDEMNED MAN by georgeschaefer 2 years 37 weeks ago
I do not eagerate when I tell: I do not eagerate when I tell you, quite candidly, that this is one of the finest death poems I have ever read.  To me, it is right up there with Wilde's Ballad Of Reading Gaol and Housman's "Oh Who Is That Young Sinner?"  Although any death poem must, of definition, be morbid, you handle that aspect with skill and restraint; and the typography of the poem somehow, in my opinion, is a meaphor of the executed man's descent to the end of te rope.  You should be very proud of the accomplishment in this poem.
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Starward commented on: The Souls Of Dogs by saiom 2 years 37 weeks ago
I cannot imagine anyone being: I cannot imagine anyone being stupid enough---and I mean, STUPID ENOUGH---that they cannot experience a dog's soul through its unconditional love and forgiveness.  In my lifetime, I have been blessed with the extremely empathetic love of two beautiful dogs---Monica, my cocker spaniel (1972-1986) and Zoey, our chihuahua (2010---).  During my adolescence, Monica seemed to be unusually, even eerily, aware of my every mood, and often offered me comfort even before I realized a sadness.  When, on September 9th, 1976, I was transported a county and a half a way to a dorm college where I would spend ten weeks of my first, freshman undergrad term, leaven her and my best friend from high school was the most gutwrenching experience I had ever had.  Presently, Zoey has an uncanny awareness of when I am becoming ill, even before I lnow it.  If she climbs into my lap, and makes extended eye contact with me---I mean it is her eyes staring without interruption into my eyes---I inevitably fall ill within 24 hours. God doesn't make jiunk or mistakes; and the love, empathy, friendliness and loyalty of domesticated canines are part of one of God's most tremendous miracles of creation.  As I drawn inevitably nearer my death, one of my comforts is that Monica is already in Heaven waiting for me; Zoey may be there too, before I get there, but ultimately I will be reunited with them in Christ's eternity.
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exthias1983 commented on: I Declare by exthias1983 2 years 37 weeks ago
Ty. It came up in my memories: Ty. It came up in my memories on Facebook, so why not? Right?
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Pungus commented on: THE CONDEMNED MAN by georgeschaefer 2 years 37 weeks ago
Fabled: A poem that proves reincarnation to be true As far as I am concerned enough to comment This is like a sonnet of the wicked wilderness Where the trickery trails of gaunt gallows grin Slaves and prisoners are sent off in a whim
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Pungus commented on: I Declare by exthias1983 2 years 37 weeks ago
Been Reading Ya: Dang, 10 years later and you come to this masterpiece poem!
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patriciajj commented on: + 1ST POEMS: Faith That Is Stellaring, 2 by J-C4113D 2 years 37 weeks ago
The morning star as a prelude: The morning star as a prelude to the massive spiritual revolution that is Christianity: an inspired observation. You interpret the Name's monumental significance with elation and power. The Star "guides and directs the stellaring faith of Christianity" and is "our astronomy". The name is not just a beautiful metaphor, it is of astronomical proportions in our lives. It is majestic. It reigns forever.    A stirring call to great heights and worthy praise to the Star that guides us. 
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georgeschaefer commented on: THROW THE LINE by georgeschaefer 2 years 37 weeks ago
thank you.  this was really: thank you.  this was really meant as allegory.  
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