Revenge sat picking his teeth like Tomorrow as Corporeal charmed his way past the portal guardians. On his heart tattooed heels came the nervous wispy wimp, the worthless nerveless Acreage, Earth’s favorite after Water. Yesterday mated with Fortune to turn the clandestine chat into Anonymity, beyond the voice of Air and off key to Water. Fire considered the Kelvins caused by supernovas and was distracted by Calculation. Time bristled at the ingenuity of his elected hours.
Apocalypse swarmed with Destruction, Cataclysm, and Afterbirth, and entered heavily from Curtain and the newly arrived shivered inside Bad Memory. They knew their Patriarch, The Earth, was pining for a way to join Water forever. They also knew she wanted no part of Earth’s desires or dreams of courtship. Fool tumbled across the ceiling and waft like mist around the allies of Earth. From crevices deep as K-2’s heights, Terror guffawed at Cataclysm’s attempt to spread Chaos, failing because of too many defeats by Destruction, Cataclysm’s best weapon. Earth rumbled like Discontent and shook his head. Meteor’s fell, rock gardens turned to sand, and already too dry Stonehenge began to superheat. Druids danced for relief. None came and they were forced to appeal to Ocean. “Unfaithful imps!” moaned Afterbirth who bled and smelled foul.
Revenge had a few things to do, the U.S. and China were strange in bed together and former Yugoslavians, now Bosnian-Hertzogovnian, wanted audience. The muse of cutthroats, the back stabber, the most awesome weaver of decadence listened, beside himself with Impatience, as the pertinent questions were asked. How do you kill, maim, or discommission an Elemental? Will the Gods help Earth? Can Air make allegiance with Earth and siphone off Water to open space?
Longwinded Terror presented the best argument against Water (she was truly too wet with herself) but the ultimate pay-back knew the telling, the saga, and the Neolithic scratching inside Rosetta never seen or explored by human eyes. Displeasure visited Revenge briefly which left his loins inflamed with vengeance need. Chaos, a brave little mite, backed up and left the cavern walls alone.
Dischord, beloved and favorite In-Law to Chaos, waited outside, eyeing the Little Reaper’s guardians, Retribution, Vengeance, Reprisal, Reckoning, and Justice. Revenge stared down Terror, kicked Acreage in the false teeth and let the chips fall wherever they proverbially were predestined to fall. In an aside, Justice whispered to Vengeance, “Good one!” as Fool earned ten lashes from Revenge who gave the only answer possible: “I don’t think so.”
Lady A
Many characters
They all seem to be thinking deeply.
Have Not Read These In A While
Can't believe I went there. I did! It was fun - why - I don't know. :D
Jus Havin' Fun
roaming around inside this skull for the next idea, topical or historical or aged - to honor that from which everything Medievally is comprised via alchemy. A vehical to poke fun, make comments, joke around a bit. I am my Elementals - and thinking deep keeps me steeped up to my cheeks in trouble - where I have chosen to live, seems - Thanks for the comment and the read AL- Lady A
Revisiting The Elementals
I can't believe I wrote these. They are funny!
01-30-22 Still a hoot :D
Lady A