The Souls Of Dogs


It is sometimes those who

experience the unconditional and forgiving

love of dogs who

assert that animals have no souls.

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I cannot imagine anyone being

I cannot imagine anyone being stupid enough---and I mean, STUPID ENOUGH---that they cannot experience a dog's soul through its unconditional love and forgiveness.  In my lifetime, I have been blessed with the extremely empathetic love of two beautiful dogs---Monica, my cocker spaniel (1972-1986) and Zoey, our chihuahua (2010---).  During my adolescence, Monica seemed to be unusually, even eerily, aware of my every mood, and often offered me comfort even before I realized a sadness.  When, on September 9th, 1976, I was transported a county and a half a way to a dorm college where I would spend ten weeks of my first, freshman undergrad term, leaven her and my best friend from high school was the most gutwrenching experience I had ever had.  Presently, Zoey has an uncanny awareness of when I am becoming ill, even before I lnow it.  If she climbs into my lap, and makes extended eye contact with me---I mean it is her eyes staring without interruption into my eyes---I inevitably fall ill within 24 hours.

God doesn't make jiunk or mistakes; and the love, empathy, friendliness and loyalty of domesticated canines are part of one of God's most tremendous miracles of creation.  As I drawn inevitably nearer my death, one of my comforts is that Monica is already in Heaven waiting for me; Zoey may be there too, before I get there, but ultimately I will be reunited with them in Christ's eternity.
