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allets commented on: Help Ukraine by LittleLennonGurl 2 years 30 weeks ago
A billion about to be Approved: . They need 18 billion. Yes - send it. An orange here costs $1.69. Borrow it, support Ukraine and Afghanistan and 1 orange will cost $2.00. Cause/effect. Yemen babies are starving. Ethiopian babies are dying. Drought this summer will kill significant poulations in Africa and migration will trend upward. Haiti needs a billion. usa's infrastructure and climate cost will commence with April showers. Then fire in drought afflcted West Coast. Hmmmm... . And uber rich refuse to pay 50% tax. A billion here, a billion there eventually is going to turn into some real money. usa is broke! . Note: Dollars for weapons and bullets and drones - to fall in Russian troop's hands ultimately, as they take more cities..  . ~A~ .  
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allets commented on: Diminutive Effacacy by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
$1.79 per orange.: At little market near me. Came down to $1.69 - definitely headed to the rotten discount bin. If usa did not permit loss deduction to food retailers, prices would fall fast.  ~A~.  
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grimfate commented on: Insomniadal Maniac by grimfate 2 years 30 weeks ago
I totally understand: I get it mainly between jobs, in the lull, when my body isn't tired from hard graft so yeah I try to expand on the more artistic side in these times. I don't suffer from it massively nor regulary unlike some poor souls, it's like inverted life, you get up at 05:00 and work so without the work my body decides its staying awake until then to goto sleep instead ha! 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Controlled Demolition by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 30 weeks ago
Likewise, I seldom recall: Likewise, I seldom recall dreams. Unless they are nightmares. They seem, too often, to provoke the memory gears to start grinding away.   Seems that your sails have found their latest wind. Nice to celebrate a good day 'out at sea' by pulling the sail down, floating on the calm, laying on the deck and sleeping under the evening stars for a few hours, in a manner of speak. Yes, an out of order rest is often a sign of the best day. Inner peace and satisfaction, I think it is ; ) May it have you nice and fresh for tomorrow : )    
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grimfate commented on: Insomniadal Maniac by grimfate 2 years 30 weeks ago
A mind without purpose will wander in dark places: You are not wrong, we all do need to switch it all off and relax, slow the pace and just listen to somthing soothing... But somtimes just sometimes In the darkest of dark places we can find somthing truly brilliant :) 
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allets commented on: Neo-Tzar by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
The Uber Tax: . Crashing world economy may be an option for Vlad. Loan payments in default. Did not exoect usa dollars frozen urretrievably. Hmmmm... Russian people know suffering, will share fate of Ukraine, people are condemned with their leader. See post war Germans. usa? We got 4 year comic relief with the orange tupee guy - a distraction while Afghanis suffered (Note: no longer a headline). That's what super powers do, invade and kill and leave mess behind. usa is rusting away and already "senators" talking rebuilding Ukraine. How abiut rebuilding usa? . Unless China gets there first, again on our dime. India lopped a missile at Pakistan (in error?). Now? If we mistep into wwiii, old enemies will look to get revenge for centuries of slanders and scrimmages. Israel as mediator, a hoot! Ask Palestinians. . Imagine a missile hitting New York, Chicago, Detroit (u c what I did there). Or a Tom Clancy book realized. We have a lot to fear; we've been killing children since 1776ish.  1/3 world wants us dead, 1/3 wants our lifestyle, 1/3 are victims of our foreign policies. How did the anti-missile shield invented by Israel shared partially with usa turn out? Anyone? Anyway, Uber rich can pay the bill at 50% tax rate for a year; just vanish a couple of deductions. Clean up the debt - it's what Dems do. The GOP is coming for Biden and his Cadre. . ~A~  
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allets commented on: Controlled Demolition by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 30 weeks ago
I Took A Walk: Did me good today, slept 7p to 12a, I seldom remember dreams. Controlled demolition - hense the need to grow it back, recharge, reset! Wish me lyck - heading fir general motirs headquarters's - Hart Plaza tomorrow - if I can walk. The River Walk in Detroit at 62 degrees outside, may  reach the Dequitndre Cut, but that is too ambitious maybe. 72 yr old bones will send me home to rest first. Resetting. . ~A~ :D
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allets commented on: Insomniadal Maniac by grimfate 2 years 30 weeks ago
Unplug: . I sleep like two logs - low anxiety, low industry level daily. At 72 and rerired, no  tons of human input. I turn off all electronic devices, radio and tv and listen  to classical music for a week (Recirds LPs. Something soothing, your old album collection (cd's). Unplug. I fast iccasionally too. Flick the mental switch and think in detail of pleasant memories/events. Read humorous literature. Laughter is the best medicine! Go to the library or a museum. Chill, fill mind with spomething calming. Insomniatude is inevitable, but flick the switch in your mind and control ideation. I have a  4am poem - I empathize. . Excellent write on a comman human occurrence. . ~A~ 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Help Ukraine by LittleLennonGurl 2 years 30 weeks ago
No mushroom clouds yet: WW3 requires the world's involvement to happen. Right now, it's a regional conflict. Your emotions probably match the emotions of many of the people living there. Your convey them really strongly in this write, and it's easy to imagine many people in Kiev might feel the same.   Yet those outside of a situation are always the one's who have the best chance to see it as rationally as possible. This is a conflict within 1 nation's borders. It's terrible, but it's covering less than 1 percent of the globe. A no fly zone would greatly risk a conflict that destroys 90% of the globe, if not more. Because if Russia calls our bluff, and we're not bluffing, the intercontinental ballistic missiles likely start flying. There will be no Ukraine left to help, and many of the rest of us will be dust in the wind, as well. It doesn't sound like the answer.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Last of the Mohicans by Spinoza 2 years 30 weeks ago
Tribute to the bonds friendship, the cage bars of loss,: ..a spotlight on the spinning wheel of mortality.   I am sorry that you've had to see them go. Not knowing them, I can't help but mourn most for your most recently loss. Seems that at least one, if not both your other two friends, died doing things they loved. Your friend Mike died being kept from what he loved. The tragedy of which seems greatest of all, and quite criminal.   A recent study suggests your friend is far from alone, in one sense or another, finding twice as many people have likely died from policy decisions around sars-covi-2 than from the disease itself (not to mention the people who died from the disease but could have been saved if better medical advice and access to various not-so-profitable treatments were given). My dad very possibly was one of them. He was bed ridden in a hospital. My mom, myself, or other family took turns staying with him daily, and watching his medical treatment closely. He could not speak for himself, due to his condition. In March of 2020, the hospital barred us from seeing him, then moved him to a nursing home against my mom's will. We were finally allowed to see him nearly 15 months later, the day he would ultimately die. The funeral home told us that they had never seen bed sores so bad in their 4 decade history as a family business.   Anyway, I mean not to hijack your mournful write, only to share that, in a way, I can relate at least to your latest loss. I think many, many people can. I hope you can find some solace, and I think you have done real honor to all 3 of your friends, and what you all have shared, with this write.    
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Insomniadal Maniac by grimfate 2 years 30 weeks ago
Love your title: ..and sympathize with your peril.   I find myself this way, sometimes. I often have to work myself through it, finishing a piece of art or a home repair project at the oddest hour, to reset. Then I spend extra time outside the next day. Seems to recalibrate me, some.   Good write; the insomnia isn't showing.    
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: From Here, Where? by allets 2 years 30 weeks ago
Politicians very desparate: Politicians very desparate right now to find ways to be liked that won't cost their financers any power ; ) All for daylight's savings being permanent, none the less. Definitely unhealthy for the population to keep changing the clocks - more and more studies show it. And it's otherwise nothing less than a pain in the butt, which I'm sure you'd agree : p   In the meanwhile, spring coming in a few days early, lucky us! Sounds like a well-rounded, nice day. Picture perfect day here, as well. Glad to hear you felt up to it, and got to soak it in. Spring weather is a healthy spice of it's own ; )
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Offhand Comment by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 30 weeks ago
Generous and flattering: Thank you very much. As with Patricia, your feedback always has a way of letting me know when I'm reaching the time-giving reader as intended. The design of the lines had the effect with you that I had hoped and intended they would have with someone taking the time to read, and I greatly appreciate that feedback as much as any here (though you've certainly given me much more, as well).    
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Offhand Comment by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 30 weeks ago
Thank you, as always: Your critiques are always empassioned and full of thought, lush with reader's interpretation. All draped with kindness and encouragement along the way.   Your feedback, as ever, is a watermark indicating I am having some success relying emotions and thoughts as I hope and desire to. There are certain writers who really excel at that (such as the gentleman below who also commented), and you are most certainly one who does. Thank you kindly.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Passion Ever After by Vamprose999 2 years 30 weeks ago
Sunsets erupt: The intertwining of a sunset and a volcano is so full of intensity and a metaphor that creates a short of of venn diagram in the mind, capturing only all of the power, beauty and warmth of both, and pushing all other associations aside. It's truly an incredible opening. It's a poem all by itself. But the rest of the poem let's us know what brought such a powerful sensation to you. Here's hoping it is happy in the after.
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