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allets commented on: Sand Box Children by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 28 weeks ago
We Outgrow The Monetary Flow: Evolved inside laws that were designed to protect the rights of plantation owners over 13 municipalities and protect the most propertied from each other. I dub thee "Over Crowded Sandbox Politics". .  Thanks for the kudo. Also, glad of your comments on my wild notions - the world shrinks, and will constrict suddenly. We are not ready. . ~A~. 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Thorns by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 28 weeks ago
Thank you, once more : )   In: Thank you, once more : )   In an ideal world, the bill you speak of - or at least what we're being told about it on the surface (always suspicious of the fine print and loopholes) - would happen. I'm not good at holding my breathe, and not intent on doing so, anyway ; ) It's what should happen, but of course the list of "what should happen", as you and I both know, is a list that is largely lacking being checked off.
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allets commented on: AUTHORity by SSmoothie 2 years 28 weeks ago
Authority vs Despot: Putinn has an Oligarch priblem, here we call them uber rich, biden has 3 more years, vlad ther for as long as his life lasts. Oil,  gas, and diamonds vs everything else manufactured on earth. East Ukraine vs West Ukraine? Free world (cough cough) vs. a king. usa citizens fight each other, russians have 30 year orotester prison semtences - the Gulag is back! When the shelves empty, we complain, russians starve quietly or leave their country. Vlad poisons the opposition, he is insane - Jojoman may have senility issues and fights for better housing and taxes our oligarchs. Yeah, pretty much the same, SS.  . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Briefly Articulated Love by allets 2 years 28 weeks ago
The Helpful Poet: Thanks. I try to share some common sense every now or later - be well ~A~
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allets commented on: Healthy by allets 2 years 28 weeks ago
Affirmative!: . If Covid-19 taught us anything, it is be aware of health levels. No pain leads to happier homo sapiens, s'a fact! :D . ~A~
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allets commented on: Democratization by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 28 weeks ago
The Still Breathing: Look to gods, while standing next to a mirror. They really need to fix gradeschools and colleges. It only works with partcipation and few of us read. We work , we play, laugh and love and accumulate stuff. By sloth or by design no matter, nature is coming soon to a sky near you. . ~A~ 
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allets commented on: Thorns by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 28 weeks ago
I Enjoy Bigly: Poetry with ideals and POV. A mind working out civilization's current active volcano status(es). p.s. Biden's tax to pay for deficit is interesting - strategy: create a bill then have wealthy pay for it. That is fair, they suck out milliions/blllions for stuff we want - Amazon, net, tv et al, so they get to keep monopolies for a fee. Hmmmm... off shore globalzation snafus may change the Econ-world order, I'm thinkin'. Standard Oil, anyone? . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Branded by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 28 weeks ago
Cartoons Helped: The open carry law in Mchigan has kids seeing guns. Adults prefer not to see them seen or used - personal arsenal. Personal power is the fear - reference Rittenhouse and parents. . Israel has no problem with never again motives with soldiers patrolling their nation's streets. Imagne usa if all citizens were required one year training in military service. Peace in somebody else's time is the slogan for the 23rd Century. The Zee-ers are going to inherit a world in melt-down. Heard any good polar caps are melting jokes lately? . Lady A ..  
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Healthy by allets 2 years 28 weeks ago
Amen: that! Beautifully spoken. Keeping the channels of communication open with our own physical and emotional selves is paramount to health and contentment.
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allets commented on: The Eighth Wonder by deepblue 2 years 28 weeks ago
Nice lines: "A heart tuned, toned" Often when I read a poet , I find a line or two leaps from the page. If more lines grab me I declare it a winner.  "Magnetic Adhering" is a winner! Vocabulary is sooooo nice. Write On!  . Lady A .
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allets commented on: Conflict Between Desires by satishverma 2 years 28 weeks ago
I Felt: The last "poems of abdication." Turning over to the next younger great bard with an announting - uh huh. I heard that! Lady A  
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SSmoothie commented on: AUTHORity by SSmoothie 2 years 28 weeks ago
Sorry but why makes jojoboy: Sorry but why makes jojoboy any less of an authoritarian? Not a pro orange statement just genuine question?
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Sun Lover by saiom 2 years 28 weeks ago
Musical tempo: Rich in energy. Nicely fashioned, both in presentation and beat. Musical to the point that I started playing chords on my piano keyboard to the words.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: TRIP by chris 2 years 28 weeks ago
"Scars are souveniers you never lose": (Words from The Goo Goo Dolls "Name", if you haven't heard it)   Mhm. To go somewhere is one thing, but to actually be there, now that's something. Better to collect experiences, good and bad, than the material that turns out to be immaterial.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Limitations by BMosley 2 years 28 weeks ago
Well said: Often, it seems the limitations place on us by others are merely due to the limitations of their understanding and/or imagination. Sometimes, it's quite well meant, but no one can better come to know what you're capable of better than yourself. Know one else can fully imagine your potential's expanse ; ) Some people can just see more and believe in it, even without fully being able to trace it's edges. For each of us, those are our greatest supporters in life.
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