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patriciajj commented on: Veined Hate by allets 2 years 28 weeks ago
I wish I knew. Helplessly: I wish I knew. Helplessly watching the runaway threads. 
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allets commented on: Hypnosis by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 28 weeks ago
Options: Believe what u r told, do what you must to make lots of money, vote with dollars, and never question the process: gerrymandering favors the liars, pro-lifers guarantee no more brown immigrants from Haiti, and the wolf wins. We are soooooo screwed down. Know any good Ukrainian jokes? ~A~ 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Peace Parlay 2022 by allets 2 years 28 weeks ago
No stand-in's: One good way for us to stop voting in the old, rich and out-of-touch is to require Biden to stand in for himself, just like Vladdy boy, the comedian, and the Belarusian puppet. The stakes? I don't know. I think just requiring them to do this would cause an immediate ceasefire and incredibly productive peace talks. I suspect the duel would suddenly become unnecessary ; )   Also, any MIC companies who wish to advertise and profit off of war have to have a duel of their own. Winner gets to sell weapons to everyone. But I suspect those advertisements will suddenly stop, too.   Those who wish for others to kill for them should have to demonstrate for the rest of us, first. Then we can decide if it looks like a good idea. Again, something tells me it won't go forward.   Vampires and politicians get confused a lot with good reason, no worries. I'd take vampires, any day, though. At least we would get a break from them during the day : )      
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allets commented on: Peace Parlay 2022 by allets 2 years 28 weeks ago
I Agree: But it should be swords and daggers televized. You forgot the GoT factor - you say civilized gentlemen duels, barbarianism is equal to the war killing. Putin will cheat and poisin the blades or throw a grenade. Biden can send the Rock (with some pepper spray & c-4) as his champion. Zel and Luk pretty fair match. Winners get the loser's country. What? - the stakes have to be high for Vlad to leave Russia. To insure rule abidement, Natoli Bennett can officiate (cough cough). A world event, no draws, no yielding. Hang the Deadheads (apologies) over the front door of The World Court, Wild West style.. Assassinating Putin and his boyz is still the better option, a warning to usa and other Oligarchs to get humane with less greed and no wars for ten decades. We need a break and a win! . ~A~. ps Readng too much ruthless bloody sci-fi. Vampires-polititians, I get those confused a lot. Oh dear! . 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Peace Parlay 2022 by allets 2 years 28 weeks ago
4 way duel: Give Putin, Zelensky, Lukashenko and Biden each a gun. 2-on-2 duel. Everyone else calls it day, goes home, and hugs their kids. How ever the duel ends, I think we all win.
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allets commented on: Oh Christopher Rock! by allets 2 years 28 weeks ago
Twister Honor: Yes about the edges infected - Covid isolation and shut-down anguish challenged, or post game of thrones syndrome. The fire next tme may include hollygrove. 20 yr wars may pose as culprit, Vlad as example, all the international cast of bad boyz bad boyz watcha doin' taking a toll may serve as inspiration and goad. Enuf syndrome, one loose thread and a while (afghan) unravels. Fear inspires violence as fuel. Anger is the bitter berry. I'm Black and I'm proud to be an american once more storming the capitol. They need to sit down on tv with oprah and obama officiating  and apologize, cry, and hug. We need a good reconsiliation example after a war. . Lady A .      
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allets commented on: POETRY FROM THE TRENCHES by georgeschaefer 2 years 28 weeks ago
I Hide Excellently Well: I hide my needs from the world with a smile - Jerry Butler. If you have lived passionately and well (or ill) you have scars. Good words! ~A~ 
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Beavis commented on: Fuck you, motherfucker (and I mean that literally) by Beavis 2 years 28 weeks ago
;-): People who choose unhappiness within their control are a cancer. Remove it. Love ya!
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Beavis commented on: Slipping Gears in Reality by Beavis 2 years 28 weeks ago
;-): Is there anything actually beyond our own thoughts? I wonder & I know?
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allets commented on: Granules of Glorious Existence by bishu 2 years 28 weeks ago
Delightful Reflection: . Lovely. . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Davosspeak: A Layman's Terms Translation by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 28 weeks ago
I Am So Happy: You wrote this. May the oligarchs beware. 1984 p.r. Vs 2022 - buy! buy! Time to watch Caan in Roller Ball again. They show the insides of houses owned by mivie stars on line with their millions figure. Sir Surviving Beatle McCartney  -1/2 a billion plus. yay! Certainly that is reason for my happiness. ~A~.  
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allets commented on: Veined Hate by allets 2 years 28 weeks ago
It Is A Storm: Life mimics nature - poets tug at the threads of reality trying to re-ravel the unraveled. It used to get better. When does that happen?  ~A~ 
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saiom commented on: The Biden Administration by saiom 2 years 28 weeks ago
  you are absolutely right:   you are absolutely right
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saiom commented on: The Biden Administration by saiom 2 years 28 weeks ago
  Thank you for the:   Thank you for the informative comment, P.  I second everything you wrote.
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allets commented on: Just Pretend Today by chillin 2 years 28 weeks ago
Liked This: Items selected memorably worthy, and the blue jay - perfec! ~A~
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