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allets commented on: Gripe With God(Ben and Shawn) by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 27 weeks ago
Grapes and Gods: A song with repetition. An unjust gay death "friendly fire"  . Gay And murdere . Choices interrupt other decisions against ylbased on sharia law like text as cause and need. . Dead is a solution in such a war with stars, boots, and coffins. Dead is not gay or LGBTQ plus; dead is dead. . Death is unfair; always more life protests. Then reach 100 and, while dying, wish for an extension. . Lady A .
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allets commented on: Playing With Fire Should Be Fun(Not For Children To Play With) by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 27 weeks ago
Cliches : Almost threatening - break-ups are hard - SHE moved on. Fire and children-no, adults, pain woefully searing, but sometmes necessary. Long relationahips dissolve -50% of marriages end in divorce. Requirements should be steeper  for licences. Dating for 2 years or have same emploer over last 3 years - something! :D . ~A~  
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allets commented on: Five Years by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 27 weeks ago
Yeah: "Things are small for a reason" This fine verse in a universe of fav lines/phrases, this one bears repeating bookcased to start and to end this ruminant stroll of epistimological musings. Year long answers are neato too though. . Lady A .
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allets commented on: The Things That You Do (They Don't Make Sense) by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 27 weeks ago
Rand: Anthem, We The Living*, Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged - Ayn rocks! Read in high school.  I skipped long passages on Capitalism - good stories. Polit lit like Fathers And Sons. ~A~.  
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allets commented on: Happy Poem by allets 2 years 27 weeks ago
Hello : Yes. Thanks for your comment
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: The Things That You Do (They Don't Make Sense) by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 27 weeks ago
Well, I hope she doesn't: Well, I hope she doesn't smile too hard. I never read her book.   Part II delayed by the weather - window opened up for critical early season planting. But rain is moving in, so the pen can be awoken from it's slumber and hopefully do some good work of it's own : )  
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Freeze The Planet by allets 2 years 27 weeks ago
Billionaires Bay? Oh man,: Billionaires Bay? Oh man, where will the soon-to-be Trillionaires go? Don't make them have to hob nob with those lowly billionaires.
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allets commented on: CIGARETTE BUTTS by georgeschaefer 2 years 27 weeks ago
Drudging Det. River: There's a guy who does that here as a good effort. Lots of bikes and bike parts. Recently, a car was found. I flashed back to the roaring twenties and cement overshoes. No, jimmy wasn't in that car. :D  
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allets commented on: STATUE OF ROCKY by georgeschaefer 2 years 27 weeks ago
Great Capture: Of movie, Adrianne's old man, and the stepped of philly. Good one! ~A~
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allets commented on: Goodbye Earth by allets 2 years 27 weeks ago
Best Earth Age Was Us: . We got tv, public radio, video, vcrs, cars, planes, indoor plumbing, and streaming. And the net where poets blush. :D ~A~ 
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allets commented on: BUTTERSCOTCH KRIMPET by georgeschaefer 2 years 27 weeks ago
Krimpet: No idea what that is but sounds scrumptious. ~A~ 
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allets commented on: Chaotic Mind by LittleLennonGurl 2 years 27 weeks ago
Trust Issues: Good to have - world is full of abusers. I have a checklist: frown no, curses no,  handsy no, overly complimentary no, grins no asks for cash help no, lives with parents no, no car no, no job of merit no. Cuts out the losers. Good poem enlightening. ~A~ 
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georgeschaefer commented on: SPRING GARDEN BRIDGE by georgeschaefer 2 years 27 weeks ago
Thank you.  It is a fun walk.: Thank you.  It is a fun walk.
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Morningglory commented on: We don't need no stinkin' leashes by Morningglory 2 years 27 weeks ago
lol: it's a good measure I think
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patriciajj commented on: What's your favorite cereal? by humanfruit 2 years 27 weeks ago
Oh how I get this. But even: Oh how I get this. But even out of "dead dreams" you are able to snatch some relatable and cunning art. Enjoyed! 
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