Freeze The Planet

Crumbling Planet


What can recompose the poles, refreeze the permafrost, keep sea levels at bay (pardon the pun)? "Nothing" keeps coming up as the ultimate reply. We will simply have to adjust until that futuristic option is temporally ambuscaded.  


If freeze, migrate south (we should be soooooo welcome). If tropical, return to caves or live underground. Refrigeration will be banned if air quality densifies with unbreatheable toxins. Vacation at the poles where air quality is passing fair, no oxygen tank required, and atmospheric heat lowered. The new tourist retreat for uber rich. Billionaire's Bay. Rif raff not  admitted!


We will not see the bigger catastrophic changes descend on the futuristic lifestyles of our offspring's offspring's offspring. There is tech, of course, machines that remove carbon from the air and turn it into rock. Massive reforestation if we get desperate. 

In the meantime, party like it's 1965.  

Lady A 



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lyrycsyntyme's picture

Billionaires Bay? Oh man,

Billionaires Bay? Oh man, where will the soon-to-be Trillionaires go? Don't make them have to hob nob with those lowly billionaires.

allets's picture

Greed May Save Us

Let me see now, 40% (20 new tax 20 unpaid tax) of a trillion paid annually to Treasury Dept. Breaking up monopolies, prison time for buying Senators - yeah mere billionnaires and far fewer of them. I'm a dreamer. And being a dream, I dream big!

