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patriciajj commented on: Religion And Nonviolent Food by saiom 2 years 26 weeks ago
A fascinating article. I knew: A fascinating article. I knew that a plant-based diet used much less land and resources, but it's encouraging to have confirmation. My favorite saint, Saint Francis, used to set the animals free in the marketplace. It only makes sense that a highly evolved soul would have a greater respect for all living things.    My daughter is an atheist but still has compassion for animals because they have the ability to feel physical and emotional pain. She won't eat anything that "has the will to live", and that excludes a lot!   The belief in a soul certainly would make many people more respectful of nonhuman beings. Some people who have had NDE's report seeing their deceased pets on the other side. And anyone who has truly loved an animal, well, just knows.   I didn't realize the Essenes were vegetarian.    This short article was overflowing with eye-opening info. Much enjoyed! 
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patriciajj commented on: Little Interest In Biography At Funeral by allets 2 years 26 weeks ago
Very Zen. Beautiful advice. : Very Zen. Beautiful advice. 
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patriciajj commented on: Capital Gain by allets 2 years 26 weeks ago
Great idea! An upgrade in: Great idea! An upgrade in education would be an investment in the future. Why can t everyone see education as an investment and not "waste" that needs to be cut?    The younger generation is certainly brighter. They know so much it's scary.   Gotta love your sarcasm. Hippie! Another price hike! God help us. 
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patriciajj commented on: What Next? by allets 2 years 26 weeks ago
The new Supreme Court justice: The new Supreme Court justice is some refreshing news, but, generally, good news is in short supply. Now don't get me started on shortages . . . 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Animals And Vaccines by saiom 2 years 26 weeks ago
And latest 'vaccine': ..tested on a two-legged creature with a world population of about 8 billion.   We're being pushed to a point of absolutely no privacy for non-ruling citizens, while everything done by those in power (corporate or government) including - as you effectively pointed out - vaccine creation lacks transparency.
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allets commented on: Negative Creep by orangejumpsuit 2 years 26 weeks ago
Okay: Yawn, get busy - I make myself get up and challenge chasms. Lady A
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allets commented on: What Next? by allets 2 years 26 weeks ago
Concentrated Ills: It has been this way for, generations. All times, back to Rome, before Rome. We are over due for good news: a cure for cancer. Anything! Good word: entrenched. . ~A~
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Rabbit Habits by allets 2 years 26 weeks ago
My pleasure: As far as EB and libel suits go, only if it's provably untrue ; ) And he can't risk mystical status with a lawsuit. We should be safe to laugh on : )    
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allets commented on: Little Interest In Biography At Funeral by allets 2 years 26 weeks ago
More Time: Life is nice. count blessings, upright -- breathing -- a pain here and there okay. Death is sad - I miss them, known and unknown. Less empathy, more a rear view mirror in which things get bigger the longer you look. :D ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Rabbit Habits by allets 2 years 26 weeks ago
That's Funny: Thanks. Laughter equals medicine! The EB conglomerate is going to sue us for slander. :) . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Capital Gain by allets 2 years 26 weeks ago
Most usa Institutions: Need upgrading. 2 Econ classes an intro only - our kids are brighter than we were then with no net, no cell phones. Consumers Were Us - after 2008 who to trust. All of them - it is the only game in town. . Wheeeeeeeee. Food prices up 12%, most usaer's still consumers. . ~A~ 
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georgeschaefer commented on: IMPOLITE TO ASK by georgeschaefer 2 years 26 weeks ago
thank you kindly.  I try to: thank you kindly.  I try to enlighten, educate and entertain
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georgeschaefer commented on: BUTTERSCOTCH KRIMPET by georgeschaefer 2 years 26 weeks ago
Tasty Kakes are Philly based: Tasty Kakes are Philly based "pastries"  Anyone from Philly has had Tasty Kakes at one time or another
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georgeschaefer commented on: CIGARETTE BUTTS by georgeschaefer 2 years 26 weeks ago
there are way too many fools: there are way too many fools in the world that don't respect nature.  We all pay for their insolence.
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patriciajj commented on: home by Tsenumaic 2 years 26 weeks ago
Who wouldn't want to be: Who wouldn't want to be there? A striking sense of place with inviting and picturesque images. I felt a sense of nostalgia through your eyes. Magical. 
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