Animals And Vaccines


Vaccines are created by animal
vivisecting pricegougers, cultured in eggs whose consumption causes half of the annual food poisoning fatalities. Vaccines can contain ingredients from 8
different species, cell lines from human fetal tissue, lipids from cows and pigs ..Vaccine companies do not inform Catholics,
Muslims Hindus of these toxic ingredients. They have nerve cells from primates, luciferase from fireflies, are tested on horseshoe crabs etc.
As Fort Detrick researcher Dr Judy Mikovits reports, all xenotransplantations 
or species ingredient intermingling are dangerous. Vaccines kill and maim


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And latest 'vaccine'

..tested on a two-legged creature with a world population of about 8 billion.


We're being pushed to a point of absolutely no privacy for non-ruling citizens, while everything done by those in power (corporate or government) including - as you effectively pointed out - vaccine creation lacks transparency.