Little Interest In Biography At Funeral

A New View


Gay and murdered,

choices interrupt

other decisions against

breath based on sharia 

law like text as cause

and need.


Dead is a solution

in such a war with

stars, boots, and coffins.

Dead is not gay or LGBTQ

plus; dead is dead.


Death is unfair; always

more life protests. Then

reach 100 and, while dying,

wish for an extension.


Lady A



Author's Notes/Comments: 

for Ben and Shawn

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patriciajj's picture

"dead is dead" That's a poem

"dead is dead" That's a poem within a poem, and it says more than the most poignant elegy could ever say. No sermon or details were needed to empower your explosive, intelligent insights. This seized my heart with both hands and left me with no words but "I get it! Dead. Is. Dead. And each untimely death is one too many." 



allets's picture

More Time

Life is nice. count blessings, upright -- breathing -- a pain here and there okay. Death is sad - I miss them, known and unknown. Less empathy, more a rear view mirror in which things get bigger the longer you look. :D




patriciajj's picture

Very Zen. Beautiful advice. 

Very Zen. Beautiful advice. 

allets's picture


Musk wants to buy Twitter for billions - a tax shelter? He's having fun breathin'.

