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georgeschaefer commented on: PORNOGRAPHIC PREFERENCES by georgeschaefer 2 years 25 weeks ago
These Japanese forms provide: These Japanese forms provide a great way to develop and hone skill.  It requires discipline to utilize formats.  That also strengthens my ability to write free verse as well.  Keep writing and keep confessing.  I prefer to be positive over negative because that is what the world needs right now.  We need kindness and compassion.  Know it all douchebags add little to the conversation.
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georgeschaefer commented on: EVEN WHORES HAVE FEELINGS by georgeschaefer 2 years 25 weeks ago
We have a harsh society and: We have a harsh society and people do what they must to survive.  Most religions implore us not to judge others yet that is what all too many of us do.
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Starward commented on: Names Washed Away Long Ago by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 25 weeks ago
Lady A . . . please forgive: Lady A . . . please forgive me for unintentonally making disparaging comments about one of your heros.  Especially during this particular week, and its spiritual significance, I feel very foolish.  My anger toward Krupskaya has been a kind of collateral damage created by the outrage, even a centruy later, at the murders of four adolescent girls, a prepubescent boy who was a hemopheliac, and his dog by a bunch of thugs.  I think those holy martyrs would have me put away my resentment toward even the murderous Bolsheviks---all of them.  After all, Christ commanded blanket forgiveness; He did not grant me, or any Christian, the privilege of conditional or truncated forgiveness.  So, just as I made remarks about Krupskaya openly at postpoems, without knowing that she was a hero of yours, so I will gladly (especially as Pascha draws just days nearer) and openly admit that I was wrong. while similtaneously asking your forgiveness for my self-righteousness (it is one of my major, and habitual, failings, as my friend Stephen Brewerton can attest.  The more of my postpoems neighbors who know of this failing, the sooner my faith will compel me to start on amending the flaw.    So, again, I ask for your forgiveness for offhand remarks that were hurtful and immature.  I shall do my best to ensure that it does not happen again.     Thank you for considering my request.       Starward
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Starward commented on: PRAYER REQUEST by J-C4113D 2 years 25 weeks ago
Thank you so much for that. : Thank you so much for that.  And please accept my apology for the glaring nonsense phrase that was in the. first paragraph until about five minutes ago, when I removed it.   That first paragraph was written just after my dose of pain meds (which, while very effective, are also causing me to see things that are not there---making me feel that my room is full of ghosts and such.  But, as I write this reply at 2:55am, I have just over eight hours until my daughter picks me up and transports me home.   Again, thank you for your positive thoughts and prayers for the Archbishop's recovery.  Your kindness is remarkable. The inconveniences of my particular affliction are certainly diminished in comparison to his illness.  I think that is a lesson that God wants me to learn, and to learn fast.  Amazing how old age, and my present situation, have such wisdom to teach.  
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Starward commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; An Ancient, Homoerotic Poet, Receives The Muse's Commission by J-C4113D 2 years 25 weeks ago
Thank you so very much.  I: Thank you so very much.  I had thought the title might be a little "pver the top," and if you agree, I can change it to something different; but for right now . . . . And your phrase, crucial series is a validation, that will continue to inspire the series well beyond what I had originally hoped.  For that, I am so very grateful.
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; An Ancient, Homoerotic Poet, Receives The Muse's Commission by J-C4113D 2 years 25 weeks ago
With urgency and angelic: With urgency and angelic eloquence, the Muse's voice ignites the page and validates love in all its manifestations. In this crucial series, love translates into joy in spite of all efforts to crush it. An ecstatic release for body, mind and spirit. Love lives! 
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patriciajj commented on: PRAYER REQUEST by J-C4113D 2 years 25 weeks ago
Sending positive thoughts and: Sending positive thoughts and prayers for the Archbishop now. May healing light surround him, and you as well! Your compassion is an example of Christ's love in action. 
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patriciajj commented on: After Worst by allets 2 years 25 weeks ago
Great motto! : Great motto! 
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Starward commented on: Birds and the Beasts by rachel 2 years 25 weeks ago
This is a very fine,: This is a very fine, powerful, poem. The subtlety of its rhyme scheme gives an aural support to the subtlety of the emotion. I say subtlety because, in reading it, I detect to emotions: the very specific rage that throbs through the lines like a dislocated joint; and then, the almost silen sorrow---the subtle emotion the poem has concealed almost to the end----of the final line. Most of the lines are fairly short, and this gives them a kind of tenseness that one would associate with a coiled spring about uncoil all of its power. The longer lines give a brief---very brief---relief from the building up of the rage (the tension in the spring as it is turned tighter and tighter), and the last two long lines (just above the final two lines) have the effect of slamming the brakes down hard (yes, I know I am mixing my metaphors), and the spring uncoils and snaps into the final line, which bears the sound of near silence (to borrow a phrase from Simon and Garfunkel) as the brevity of the final line deploys and brings conclusion to the poem.    And yet, as a reader, I most definitely have the eerie feeling that . . . although the poem has concluded, the situation the poem is describing in highly metaphorical language, has not concluded; and the inflictor of the damage, to which the speaker of the poem is responding, does not intend to conclude the infliction of damage.  Therefore, I . . . as a reader who deeply admires this Poet's work . . . will continue to hope for a sequel.
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Starward commented on: Names Washed Away Long Ago by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 25 weeks ago
Thank you.  My email failed: Thank you.  My email failed to notify me of this reply you made, quite graciously, and that is why I am seeing it four days late---for which I apologize.  Tomorrow, I will be released to go home, just days before Orthodox Easter.  Although I will have to watch it on a streaming service, I will at least be home to do so.
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allets commented on: Names Washed Away Long Ago by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 25 weeks ago
Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskya: . She lived 15 years longer than Vlad. Aristicrat with passion to help the poor of Russia. A particular hero of mine. Never read much exceot she went on long hikes with Lenin. May try to find her in translation. She was Lenin's transcriptionist. An autobio would have been fab. Wonder what records and correspondence Kremlin is sitting on?  . ~A~
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Starward commented on: What I Lost In The Fire by rachel 2 years 25 weeks ago
The slender shape of your: The slender shape of your lines perfectly deploys the poignancy of the emotion that the poem conveys.  In sharing this aspect of your life, you have spoken to others who have grieved similarly but cannot completely articulate it.
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Starward commented on: PORNOGRAPHIC PREFERENCES by georgeschaefer 2 years 25 weeks ago
I have been writing Tanka (as: I have been writing Tanka (as I can barely manage Haiku/Senryu) for more than a decade and I have several hundred here on postpoems:  in my opinion, you are showing tremendous respect for the poem.  I am in something of a minority because I do believe that part of the purpose of writing poetry of any kind is to do so with skill, and, in the Asian forms, that means lines of 5/7/5 in Haiku and Senryu, and 5/7/5/7/7 for Tanka and Kyoka.  There is an online magazine called Prune Juice which specialized in Senryu and Kyoka---and I have learned a lot from reading its contents (although the syllabic rules are now followed faithfully in its pages).  I have really come to admire your use of the form, and I applaud the accomplishment you have set forth on postpoems.  People, here as elsewhere, are a little too quick to criticize, and not quick enough to appreciate.  I would prefer to be a little superlative in my comments because my timespan is short, and I would rather spend it making compliments than criticisms.  (Besides, I usually have enough to confess to Father Gregory without adding internet squabbles to it.)  So I look forward to your next postings in this form, and I know you will continue showing us how.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: EVEN WHORES HAVE FEELINGS by georgeschaefer 2 years 25 weeks ago
Great write: Vulnerability and suffering become a porn to consume, all their own. Empty calories of craving when a void exists within, and is not being filled.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: ONCE YOU’RE A FAILURE by georgeschaefer 2 years 25 weeks ago
A standing ovation speech: A standing ovation speech wrapped in the uniquely beautiful shape of a poem.
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