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Starward commented on: Pacioli Wisdom by Spinoza 2 years 24 weeks ago
Although, admittedly, I do: Although, admittedly, I do not understand the first word of the title, I find the poem to be very, very shrewd in its wisdom.  This poem should be in all the quotation books, and in all astronomical texts.
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Starward commented on: Last of the Mohicans by Spinoza 2 years 24 weeks ago
My heart goes out to you for: My heart goes out to you for these losses.
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georgeschaefer commented on: ONCE YOU’RE A FAILURE by georgeschaefer 2 years 24 weeks ago
sorry if I stirred unpleasant: sorry if I stirred unpleasant memories but thank you for the kind words.
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georgeschaefer commented on: ONCE YOU’RE A FAILURE by georgeschaefer 2 years 24 weeks ago
that's just one way for me to: that's just one way for me to pat myself on the back
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georgeschaefer commented on: VICTIM OF DUCHAMP’S THEORY by georgeschaefer 2 years 24 weeks ago
Blake wrote that bad artists: Blake wrote that bad artists borrow and great artists shamelessly steal
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Welcome To The Society Who Forgot How To Be by LittleLennonGurl 2 years 24 weeks ago
Yes: Well said.   Amidst opportunity to learn so much, we perhaps have forgotten so much more.    
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patriciajj commented on: How long can you run on by Spinoza 2 years 24 weeks ago
A stunning way to illustrate: A stunning way to illustrate the unsustainable and egregious inequality we're witnessing. History shows that runaway greed and widespread injustice sooner or later (and often sooner than later) bring down rulers and empires. In the case of hypercapitalism, which is an oligarchy, not a true democracy, the end stage is a catastrophic rift between the rich and the poor, social unrest and finally destruction.    A beautifully composed and chilling tribute to the song that is painfully relevant today.  
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Spinoza commented on: The Sweetest Thing by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 24 weeks ago
The Ministry of Truth – is all around us:   Around every corner Is a liar   It seems that way, because it is.   We live in The Age of Lies.   There’s no getting around it.   The Truth – is now the enemy of the age.   ~/~  
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allets commented on: Temperatures Rising by allets 2 years 24 weeks ago
It Seems: Somebody has been trying to crash the world economy since 2008 and failed to take it under. Bubble bubble - Elon says in 12 years it collapses, an oligarchial perspective - usa-ers have been known to revolt from time to time against systems that are against them. . Anti-trust time. If not a cash bleed up, economy ends here and out there. Taxing rich completes circle, taxes go to gvts, to citizens, and back to ubers. Start cure by getting financial corps and banks OFF wall Road investing. End dark money. No mid caste, no buffer between wealthed and hungry.. A caste shift is occurring - all those Phd's with student loans in SDS tee shirts may suggest too many smart poor were kicked out of the circle. The dynamic is not new - if brainers stop working - heeey. AI is vulnerable to C-4 programmers. Crash the grids and we all go down the drain. . Lady A .
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Ebb and Flow (A 'This Day in Postpoems' Blender) by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 24 weeks ago
You're welcome : ): Inspiration galore, from your writing and others.   Thank you, Stella, for this and the generous remarks, as well as for providing amusement (altered font sizes to illustrate thought) ; )
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Temperatures Rising by allets 2 years 24 weeks ago
Viruses do attempt to do: Viruses do attempt to do that. Which is a major reason why we often go into fever - our bodies attempt to create an untenable environment for reproduction. In the rare cases where I've gotten sick over the last two decades, I wrap myself up in blankets and sweat it out. Sleep like a wet log, but it seems to pass the issue more quickly.   As for the economy. I suspect we are seeing an intentional purge. Plenty of evidence for that. But, more so, to the reasons: In a future where there will be - as you highlighted - more automated work than all but the best dystopian pennings could imagine - where are dollars for human consumption going to come from, outside of those who create or own the machinery, companies, ect? Unless the rich are heavily taxed and paying for most people's existence. How long will they be willing to do that? Out of this current purge, only the strongest companies will survive (ie. for the most part, those that have controlling power already), and they will be prepared to sell less products at greater prices to less people. Extreme poverty, and then - presumably through various calamities, forced sterilization, and so on - far less of these impoverished humans.   We'll see how the remaining people do without their traditional servants. And how long before the ruling class turns on itself and collapse happens. If it's not already spinning out of control (doubtful that it is doing so yet, but who knows). I'm not worried. We have to power, together, to change this course. But until the average person shows such interest and understands direction, I accept that the ship must sail to the ends of the Earth and fall off. All I can do is build a little tiny Noah's Ark where I live, for pollinating creatures and flowering hearts.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: I Hear The Tears Of Flowers by allets 2 years 24 weeks ago
Mhm.: Mhm.
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allets commented on: Ebb and Flow (A 'This Day in Postpoems' Blender) by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 24 weeks ago
Thanks: For the shout out! Ebb-Flow - like tides, too many good lines to cite: "rivers dry...deserts drown" a wow line! Bravo write. I'm just a lil biased. . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: NOTHING SACRED ANYMORE by georgeschaefer 2 years 24 weeks ago
It Struck A Chord: And a happy memory sparked the vocal solo, that or the seconj JB, you Hippie maligner.. ~A~
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allets commented on: Temperatures Rising by allets 2 years 24 weeks ago
Algorithms Took Down Wall Road: A while back. Digitizing human projection patterns - another way to cheat. Phenomenon - so interconnected an empty truck is a fly in the entire system. Remove working humans, calamity. Recession = buyer fatigue. We are not out of this yet - Russia was and still is (gas, oil, coal, wheat) a major player/ manipulater. EU for Ukraine. Interesting gambit possibility. . Viruses adjust body to temp environs for max growth. As for Cli-Chge, end of ice age is taking root - Ocham's Razor - simple most likely truth (I think that is the posited Constant, right?) I hope to write in the park this summer. Sunnny Dayz. . ~A~. 
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