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elliot_jordan2003 commented on: Repentance by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
Wow: Wow
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allets commented on: In The Middle Of Everything Else by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
Peasant Population: . Euthanasia for the elderly, phallus removals, voluntary sterilization, kill off all the Caucasians, shoot 1/2 of the female babies - what? Heil Hitler. Just as horrid - arresting women and doctors and incentivizing informants. Texas, oh Texas!  In China, limiting families to one child created a population gap, fewer peasants. Counselors say it is an attack on privacy. Here we go. . Leak orchestrated, I thought so too - only as a distraction from what is about to happen at the disenfranchised gerrymandered far right wing theft of elections at all gvt levels. Expect an illegal well crewed Gestapo of tactics. Politicians who ignore their voter base in lieu of their donors may run into some patriots for real. We need a Consumers Party.. usaers always surprise me. I heard no open carry at polls - a plus. States revving up arrest of anyone harassing Sec of State poll workers. Challenges of fraud will not be heard. Students will revolt if barred from voting. On the outcome of majority chambers, stop the spending will seal the fate of a good number of Democrats - and replacement of Gopers who voted with Biden's Cadre. Sheep still vote and so do women. Politicizing SCOTUS before mid terms may backfire. If not, Biden is stalled, and without Trumpet running in '24, his endorsesee may split the GOP at the polls. Voters will remember the riot at the Capitol. Verdicts will be coming out as voters line up to try to vote. Dems will rearrest Rittenhouse with different charges around Oct. 2024. Crazies will think that over.. We are so polarized that if too many are elected who represent the Demagraphic of creed and race, I predict assassinations. It is that bad. Pandora is screaming. . Or dark money list gets leaked - a consumer revolt, definitely good for the Donkey! It will be an interesting 4 years ahead;years of The Woman and the swing vote south of the border and Carribean Americans, and individual rights. The videos from the border will be spectacular! . I may vote for Trump as a write in. I love being disenfranchised in Detroit! (Up up with the satirical!) . Lady A .    
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georgeschaefer commented on: CLUELESS OBSERVATIONS by georgeschaefer 2 years 23 weeks ago
I much prefer to consort with: I much prefer to consort with dogs and the occasional wild hare or groundhog that ventures across my path.  I also semi friended a fox by the creek last week.  He seemed to really like the half cheesesteak I dropped on the ground.
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allets commented on: Nothing Lasts, Ask A Pharoah by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
We Will Share: No one predicted Covid - medical profession and labs are still trying to figure it out. 200-400 symptoms - I never heard that about a communicable pathogen before. As survivors, yes, we celebrate and wish everyone wellness and food and water. Those challenges are ahead; massive graves or millions dead is a horror scenario and barring nukes, I cannot conceive of such a future. The West will share or be inundated with hordes of the displaced. . Cultivation of available land may be the priority of the future for usa. If the water tables last and supply chains are stable. Presently, we are trying to feed our own. What is in front of us is the struggle for basic resources. EU has refugee crisis that, like ours, is underway and anti-malaria (one has been developed) may be the next mass vax campaign. Flinging doors open has presented a few problems politically. Taking fertile developed land also has met with resistance. As you stated before, there are too many of us on the planet.. Covid-19 may or may not be done with us. May it mutate into a non-infectious form, or we adapt to it, but it is not over yet.  . ~A~  
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Pierced By Hooks by saiom 2 years 23 weeks ago
Did you know: ..that the earthworm appears to have become among the most common - if not the most common - worm in our soil because of human agriculture (accidentally chopping them in half with tools like shovels, making 2 of 1).   There's an interesting dilemma, regarding insects and agriculture/gardening. I don't like to harm insects, even those that try to bite me. But I have incidentally killed more than my share driving a shovel into the ground. Hopefully, I've at least made a lot of new earthworms.   (Funny enough, as I write this to you, a simple house spider has just come down from the ceiling and dangled over my lap top!)
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Nothing Lasts, Ask A Pharoah by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
I don't believe it's particularly likely that: a disease can be so devastating when people have access to food, water and sanitary conditions. It's rarely discussed that the most deadly disease in the modern first world - the "Spanish Flu" - happened at the end of WW1, when there were horrific conditions in Europe as a result of the war, and America was well beyond Europe on sanitation (remember, at this time, we pushed as arighteous idea, building quarantine islands).   Diseases like Ebola happen to pop up - not coincidentally - in areas where starvation is tragically common, and there is not always access to fresh water and sanitary places to use the bathroom. Ebola made an appearance in America and disappeared in five seconds. There's probably good reason for that. When we think of the plague, the people living with the plague were suffering through a time of far colder conditions than now, food shortages, poor city planning by lords and royals, and the same lack of access to fresh water and sanitation. Plus, bodies were often just left on the street. Rats got into food. It's very different than the world we are currently in. Sars-covi-2 has killed less than 1/2 a percent of those who have gotten it, and only 1 percent of people in cases where symptoms were strong enough to lead someone to get tested, or a test was taken for some other reason, such as travel. As diseases become more common, they actually tend to become much less deadly. It's actually in the interest of disease not to kill. Living people make better transporters of disease than dead ones ; ) The work of our immune systems to learn and evolve, as well as the organism/virus to mutate into something that has a better chance of spreading is at play, as always.   As such, sars-covi-2 isn't going to go away. It's now part of the lexicon of our immune systems, at large, and some exposure to germs will actually be more beneficial for most of us in dealing with it, than not (some exceptions with people who have really compromised immune systems, for sure). Europeans in the 15th and 16th century mostly shrugged off diseases that came along with them and wiped out much of the indigenous people on the East Coast of North America. Exposure versus lack of exposure. The results made significantly worse by the disruption and destruction of the living systems that native peoples had, of course.   I'd spent about 25% of the last five years in a hospital visiting my dad, till the state made it illegal to visit family in early 2020. I've worked with kids in their homes for most of the last two decades - their families often not telling me when the kid was sniffling, prior to my visit. I road the Nyc public transportation system, and it's often sardine-packed buses, regularly until I moved away in my early 30's. Of any person I know, I get sick the least often, and in the rare occasion I get sick, I have a fast turn over time (this is a major shift from when I was younger). I must have the Albert Eistein of immune systems. White blood cells like a bunch of firefighters loaded up on coffee with the bell constantly going off, ever ready to go : )   Mankind killing mankind, now, that's a story all it's own. Immune system can't help with that. I don't think one can microdose nuclear fallout ; ) And there's no protection against a drone strike on one's roof. Food shortage? One can only hope to have the supplies/growing area and abilities. Then, hope you're not a target for those people who weren't so prepared, or only prepared with guns to take from others. We'll see, huh? What ever happens, today you and I are alive, and live in goodwill towards others. That means something.    
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Falling Sky by saiom 2 years 23 weeks ago
Surely true, but don't tell: Surely true, but don't tell me that, here. My skin gets captured by them on my walks or in my work almost every day : )   The birds (and bears) are doing a good job spreading the seed ; ) Wild Raspberry and Elderberry, as well. Good pickings in the summertime.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: CLUELESS OBSERVATIONS by georgeschaefer 2 years 23 weeks ago
How silly: You know that they rarely suggest you don't leave the apartment (maybe save for the last couple of years, I should say) - just be scared or at least highly viligilant when you do. Come on, now. Especially when around certain parts and certain types of people. The shopping districts are pretty much always safe places, where happy people in fashionable clothes and sun glasses have brunch, though. Definitely head there, straight away. ; )
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: In The Middle Of Everything Else by allets 2 years 23 weeks ago
Not particularly moved by SC leak: Abortion leak is about (a) sheepherding people back into voting system, as many - particularly on the left - were in the process of exiting, and (b) keeping the public fixated on what are percieved culture wars, so that we don't tear down the castles together.   Myself, I am "pro-life" (the currently unpopular position), but I see this is very cynically, with what I believe is good reason. If not for this news, Republicans would have surely won a super majority of both the House and Senate this November - which neither party wants. When a party wins a SM, they can't create 'Joe Manchin's' or 'Mitt Romney's' or - taking a walk back through time - 'dixicrats' as excuses for why they're not doing what their voters really want. They can't blame the filibuster, either, which both parties claim to hate when they have the majority, but magically never get rid of, even though the majority party can write it out of procedure.   So, political parties ultimately being subservient to business interests, not people interests, never want too big a majority in a modern "democratic" set up. This news should help keep the Republicans in the 50's, in terms of Senate seats. They'll also win the house, but it'll be a lot closer now.   I also have some other reasons for being concerned about the SC potential ruling, despite being "pro-life", but those concerns are that this is also an indication of broader plans for population reduction being well on their way, since the ruling class wants a low peasant population in an AI future. But that's another paragraph or few for another day. I'm sure you've already picked up on some of that from my writing and our past discussions here ; )        
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allets commented on: JE SUIS UN AUTRE by georgeschaefer 2 years 23 weeks ago
Writer's Dilemma: Concise depiction of idea vs clearly written art as hit or near hit. Well said. ~A~ 
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georgeschaefer commented on: CLUELESS OBSERVATIONS by georgeschaefer 2 years 23 weeks ago
and now I'm terrified to: and now I'm terrified to leave my apartment--except when I do
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allets commented on: Attack on Women and LGBTQA rights. (Explicit) by elliot_jordan2003 2 years 23 weeks ago
The Rant: . A PostPoem tradition. "isolating them from reality..." made me pause--that exclusionary attitude is harmful. All excellent points, disenfranchisement and lynching is back, California,  Grand Rapids, Michigan  - saddness and now talk of ending traffic stops by police. All the shootings - lack of mental health care... harm ad nauseum.  Good rant. . ~A~.   
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allets commented on: WORD ORCHARDS by georgeschaefer 2 years 23 weeks ago
Standing Ovation Lines: "Utopian wasteland" liking the idea of an orchard of words.  . ~A~ 
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allets commented on: Just Above A Setting Sun by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 23 weeks ago
Very RomantIc Memory: Lyrical, meter would meld well into a song. Especially, "dripping into a sunset/sitting on a pier" and "a barrier between your gentle way/and the splintered wood" . Transcendent lines those. . ~A~
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Twitter Purchase 18 Thoughts by saiom 2 years 23 weeks ago
It's a lose lose situation.: It's a lose lose situation. Twitter was already owned by censorious billionaires - most particularly by members of the genocide-committing Saudi royal family. Is Musk better? No. Is he worse? No. This is a rebranding effort, and a way to continue censorship under the disguise of promising free speech. It's like watching political parties take turns lying to us about how they are going to fix things, except with a corporation. And, yes, in the process Musk is going to protect his place of power within the oligarchy, and probably even enhance it.
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