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crypticbard commented on: THE WORD OF MY LORD by chris 2 years 18 weeks ago
Being taken by the hand is: Being taken by the hand is such an assuring image and feel. It can also be a bold statement as grown ups aren't usually used to this, typically being led along by a child that takes the adult's hand. Brings to mind the statement of Jesus for our faith to be such as a child's, thereby allowing for our hand to be taken, not just to be brought to Paradise but also to be brought to the bridal altar. Very strong images here. Thanks for sharing. 
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Teytonon commented on: I Got Old by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
Hi: I wouldn't worry too much about your trousers. As long as you can walk on the beach you'll be fine. And eat a peach, if you dare.
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crypticbard commented on: Lost Cause by alex73 2 years 18 weeks ago
This is heavy stuff. Hope you: This is heavy stuff. Hope you are doing alright. Your courage and honesty are noted in the sharing of these feelings.
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crypticbard commented on: ODD FELLOW (TOO) by georgeschaefer 2 years 18 weeks ago
A poem that brings out the: A poem that brings out the Moet! Written thousands of miles away but very close to the avenue that lay under my feet. This weekend I was fortunate to meet up with a stranger who was learning English in anticipation of reuniting with his British girlfriend. Long story short, sometimes people on similar avenues meet up and that was a strange experience when more likely than not the people you meet would consider you odd. When introduced they annotate your introduction with, "He's a funny one." or "He's a bit random." etc., etc. Here's to keeping that inner spirit alive and kicking! Thanks for sharing, /Rik.
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crypticbard commented on: @ 27.225 MHz: WallStones; Welters Of Claire Clairmont's Long Seething Distress by J-C4113D 2 years 18 weeks ago
As land dwelling creatures in: As land dwelling creatures in a wide and often wild world we travel and connect with our habitation - perhaps a grounding that is typified by socks and grass stains as a feature of several of your poems. It is interesting how we are schooled and influenced by those who have gone before us and if we are so fortunate and disposed enough by our peers and contemporaries. Which of the next generation shall be marked by the ink that dries thoroughly on our sheaves!? Thanks for sharing. 
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crypticbard commented on: I Got Old by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
Rolled trousers would drive: Rolled trousers would drive me mad. I would take a good pair of fabric scissors and cut them to length, if need be. But that's just me. Thanks for sharing.
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crypticbard commented on: On Track and Off Kilter by THWYALG 2 years 18 weeks ago
This person commands respect: This person commands respect much more than the person who did his crying in the rain, from that older song. And many of us have this battle for composure so as to make this poem quite relatable. Thanks for sharing.
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Starward commented on: I Got Old by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
And it was one of Prufrock's: And it was one of Prufrock's several problems.  Eliot really piled them on to J Alfred.
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patriciajj commented on: Wanted Dead Or Alive: PEACE by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
The only way to keep our: The only way to keep our sanity. Great advice. 
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allets commented on: Eternal Morsel by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
Time Is A Jewel: Beauty in a universe of close seconds. . ~A~ 
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crypticbard commented on: The Way by exthias1983 2 years 18 weeks ago
An awesome take on a well: An awesome take on a well loved and used bedtime prayer. Thanks for sharing.
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Morningglory commented on: Feminine marijuana scented cologne by Morningglory 2 years 18 weeks ago
I prefer hanging with my: I prefer hanging with my Marijuana scented not boyfriend
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Morningglory commented on: Feminine marijuana scented cologne by Morningglory 2 years 18 weeks ago
No haha: I had my "not boyfriend" with me in another aisle. So, no, I didn't get his number.  lol
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exthias1983 commented on: Untitled Musing by exthias1983 2 years 18 weeks ago
Agreed thanks for reading: Agreed thanks for reading
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Morningglory commented on: OBLIGATORY TOM WAITS POEM by georgeschaefer 2 years 18 weeks ago
I love Tom Waits: I love Tom Waits
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