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patriciajj commented on: Sitting With Stars by patriciajj 2 years 12 weeks ago
I'm honored just to have you: I'm honored just to have you stop by, but your poetic and on-target interpretation of my work took my breath away. Your stunning insights and words of encouragement mean more than you know, my gifted friend.  
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Morningglory commented on: Content by Morningglory 2 years 12 weeks ago
discontent: I feel for the world as I sit sill in content
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Morningglory commented on: Content by Morningglory 2 years 12 weeks ago
wishing you well, dear: wishing you well, dear Bishu!!!
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patriciajj commented on: Dedication Of Gratitude To Two Poets---Pungus And Patriciajj by J-C4113D 2 years 12 weeks ago
You have to take credit for: You have to take credit for being an inspiration, a motivator and a glowing example. We can learn much from you as well!   My incalculable gratitude and continuing prayers.   
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Pungus commented on: Dedication Of Gratitude To Two Poets---Pungus And Patriciajj by J-C4113D 2 years 12 weeks ago
Thank you <3: I am enourmously grateful to have received all your attention today and I hope you are well.
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crypticbard commented on: Sitting With Stars by patriciajj 2 years 12 weeks ago
The Heavens do and ever shall: The Heavens do and ever shall declare the glory of the Creator. And what a wonderful poetic journey partaken of by Reader and Poet as night walk and meditation lifts up praise and worship, delight and wonder. The power up in S2 as the moon ascends in majestic lines and diction: 'untethered, unmoored, unselfed!' followed by the release of song in Chorus: 'tree, water, owl, and all other creatures' become God's voice to Creation. Indeed this is the soundtrack of our very being. The rising crescendo in S5 unfolding the reflections of the light of night on ripples of water, skies and moons on repeating loop of sorts, dappling; tuly a mirror of Eternity and Consuming Fire, inimitable passion. This beauty does not end but releases in a send off, as scales falling off eyes, vision and provision from Providence; and that available as an eternal witness and testimony. Thanks ever so much for sharing. /Rik.
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Starward commented on: Dare be not deceived by humanfruit 2 years 12 weeks ago
Again, very impressive.  My: Again, very impressive.  My only negative criticism would be the relegation of a smaller poem to the notes section.  That poem, being written, deserves to have an equal place among your other poems.  It just does not belong in a notes/comment section.  But otherwise, both of these poems are, as is customary with your work, highly (and even eerily) evocative.
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Starward commented on: Oops in the chicken coop by humanfruit 2 years 12 weeks ago
So eerily evocative I had to: So eerily evocative I had to stop and re-read it, just to make sure of what I was reading.  And yes it was, a horrific tale depicted in highly poetic language.  I am just amzed at your talent, and have enjoyed my readings of your work this afternoon.
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Starward commented on: Scorched porch by humanfruit 2 years 12 weeks ago
I re-read this again, and I: I re-read this again, and I am even more amazed.  Your lines are shorter than Saint John Perse's, but no less evocative, and some of the vistas you describe are as haunting, and as well described, as his.  Your tendency to raise more questions than you answer means your Poetry can never be pegged into a cubicle, but will always resonate to the reader, leaving the reader (and, right now, this reader) wanting more, a whole lot more.
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Starward commented on: The castle crumbled by humanfruit 2 years 12 weeks ago
I am overwhelmed by this;: I am overwhelmed by this; just overwhelmed.  In these few lines, you have created an entire world, different than ours; a background of mystery; and a foreground that raises more questions than it answers.  Please---please---please, don't ever (like James Dickey in mid-career) seek to slacken or loosen your enormous talent.  This kind of poem is your forte and, if I may put it more tritely, the domain of which you are one of the masters.  I have said that your work reminds me of Mallarme's poetry; it also reminds me of some of Lord Dunsany's tales, and those of his chief imitator, H. P, Lovecraft.
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Starward commented on: Benevolent moonshine by humanfruit 2 years 12 weeks ago
Wow!!! And again I say,: Wow!!! And again I say, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!  You compress so much atmosphere effect in so few lines, and that is always a sign of very classic talent.  I apologize for having fallen behind in my reading, but I am glad to have read this today.  With every poem of yours that I have read in the past, and this one today, I am the more and more convinced that you are a Symbolist Poet of the highest accomplishment.  I was reading some of Mallarme, just last night, but I like this poem better.
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georgeschaefer commented on: BOWL OF PHO by georgeschaefer 2 years 12 weeks ago
allways a filling meal: allways a filling meal
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patriciajj commented on: Our Self In Everything by saigrafio 2 years 12 weeks ago
An expansive, strikingly wise: An expansive, strikingly wise and existential contemplation that unearths the folly of going about our lives as usual and living, in hollow apathy, in the "angst of unknowing". You expressed this spiritual hunger with crafty insight:   "We largely remain unconscious in the tendrils of events. In our inner and outer wilderness lies a primeval forest; an Entire landscape from which we come and go without a Reckoning without a resolution of why we have being."   Then you went on to unveil an exciting phenomenon taking place as "Something is moving behind this curtain of draped amnesia". The shift is a "transformation without convulsions" yet earth-shattering in its power.   A deliciously thought-provoking and brilliant exploration of our spiritual evolution.   
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bishu commented on: Content by Morningglory 2 years 12 weeks ago
Great to see you dear HW: I miss myself on PP. But please don't think you're not in my mind . I'm plagued with time constraints. I wish you well
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crypticbard commented on: BOWL OF PHO by georgeschaefer 2 years 12 weeks ago
We had some pho for dinner: We had some pho for dinner tonight! Right on!
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