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crypticbard commented on: An Undergraduate Adventure Of Words, And Books, And Such [Revision And Repost] by J-C4113D 2 years 7 weeks ago
It is affirmed and confirmed: It is affirmed and confirmed yet again that the poet (and the artist) is 'found' in the intimate connections of life and work, as in Vincent and Theo, Mr. & Mrs. Eliot and many other such tandems throughout history. And to have been intersected with the trajectory of that orbit is something of a life changing experience. In the days prior to the internet I was able to make a smattering of such orbital crosspaths, among them Sophia Loren, JG Ballard and Piers Anthony, from either side or the Atlantic. On one occasion I had attempted to contact Stephen King but to my knowledge he never responded. Some people are all about poeple, the rest, well, what can you say? Your having shared this is a significant boost in the idea and building of community. People are strange creatures but when the 'stars align' there is a glimmer of hope not only in our thought lives but also for the future of humankind.
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Starward commented on: + 1ST POEMS: Written To Respond To The Prophet Saint Habakkuk's Words, 1 by J-C4113D 2 years 7 weeks ago
Thank you.: Thank you.
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Spinoza commented on: Postcards from Eons Past (Images from the James Webb Space Telescope) by patriciajj 2 years 7 weeks ago
  When I look at celestial:   When I look at celestial images from Hubble and James Webb Telescopes, I am at awe.   It’s an exhibition of endless art, to remind us who the Master is.   God is certainly the master of master artists.   And there are many lessons for all of us.
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Spinoza commented on: The Source of Our Hubris by Spinoza 2 years 7 weeks ago
I'll take it:   Thanks Starward, I’m always happy to see you reading my stuff. And being I’m an old geezer now, I’ll take applause wherever I can get it. Cheers brother.
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Spinoza commented on: The Source of Our Hubris by Spinoza 2 years 7 weeks ago
Good Point :   I think a lot of us go through a feeling of being invincible in our youth. Youth can be a reckless thing, precisely because it lacks experience and wisdom.   That said, there are some people out there – who feel they are Masters of the Universe – and can dictate to everyone else, what they can and cannot do. You especially see this in politics nowadays. These people are drunk on power.
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Spinoza commented on: The Source of Our Hubris by Spinoza 2 years 7 weeks ago
Freedom VS Absolute Freedom:   I think too, many confuse the difference of Freedom – with Absolute Freedom.   Hubris is not an offshoot – of Freedom.   It is an offshoot of Absolute Freedom.   Living within God’s laws and guidelines, has a purpose. It protects us from our own bad decision making, and it keeps us safe from our own Hubris   Imagine driving around – without any traffic laws.   The streets would be a heap of mayhem and death. But there are laws in place, to keep things orderly.   Yes, it curtails your absolute freedom – but for a good purpose.   You’re still free to drive around. But you have to do it within a set of guidelines. This benefits everyone.   And this applies to the world at large.     ~/~    
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Spinoza commented on: + 1ST POEMS: Written To Respond To The Prophet Saint Habakkuk's Words, 1 by J-C4113D 2 years 7 weeks ago
Amen: Amen to that brother
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Starward commented on: reminiscing by arqios 2 years 7 weeks ago
BEAUTIFUL metaphor.: BEAUTIFUL metaphor.  
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Starward commented on: the budding senescent by arqios 2 years 7 weeks ago
I wish this poem, which is: I wish this poem, which is brimming over with practical wisdom, had existed when I was forty-five; it would have made that time of my life a little easier.
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Starward commented on: outback by arqios 2 years 7 weeks ago
My pleasure---it seems, to: My pleasure---it seems, to me, to be a very rare experience to find a Haiku so visually expressive, yet fully comformable to the classic Haiku form.  I am very glad to applaud your accomplished example here.  
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Starward commented on: NUKING HIROSHIMA by georgeschaefer 2 years 7 weeks ago
The writers Kurt Vonnegut and: The writers Kurt Vonnegut and Walter Miller, Jr., were both horribly haunted by bombings (Vonnegut witnessed Dresden; Miller bombed the ancient monastery at Monte Cassino which so traumatized him that he suicided in 1996).  I am of two minds:  the bombing of Hiroshima was terrible; yet, my father was to have been the third Marine in the first invasionary force that would have invaded the Japanese main island (the War Department believed they would all be slaughtered, so their death certificates had already been written by the Commander of the Nevada), had Truman not chosen the bombing as an alternative.  Three days short of the expected invasion, the Nevada stopped dead in the water, came about, and headed away from Japan at full speed.  So while Hiroshima was a horrific tragedy, the decision saved my father's life; and thirteen years later, he adopted me.
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Starward commented on: + 1ST POEMS: Written To Respond To The Prophet Saint Habakkuk's Words, 1 by J-C4113D 2 years 7 weeks ago
Amen, my brother, Amen!!!!!!: Amen, my brother, Amen!!!!!!
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crypticbard commented on: + 1ST POEMS: Written To Respond To The Prophet Saint Habakkuk's Words, 1 by J-C4113D 2 years 7 weeks ago
And what a great congregating: And what a great congregating that will be when the day finally dawns!
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crypticbard commented on: outback by arqios 2 years 7 weeks ago
Thank you Starward for your: Thank you Starward for your kind words in comment.
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Starward commented on: Of Twilight and Fairy Tales by myrataal 2 years 7 weeks ago
A most respectful and: A most respectful and poignant tribute . . .
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