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Spinoza commented on: Shivering Happiness by Spinoza 2 years 6 days ago
just don't post them:   Funny thing is, I’ve got a whole pile of railroad poems. Only, I never post them. Just keep them tucked away in a draw, under my PC.  
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Starward commented on: a father myself by arqios 2 years 6 days ago
Not at all too playful. : Not at all too playful.  Although I was adopted (and two of my three paternal cousins considered me "fake," until the evidence of our grandmother's youthful indiscretion proved that they were no more blood-related to him than I was), he loved me fiercely.  I regret that I was far too young to get to know him well before his passing.  He was a huge man, I thought him a giant.  Althouh I did not get along well with my father during my youth, I came to admire him---a road surveyor, and, later, a traffic control technician.  During my high school summers, I worked on one of the County's two surveying crews, and, daily, I worked with people who had worked with him or who he had trained.  They told me he was an absolute artist with the transit, turning angles and taking elevations himself rather than delegating it; and he turned angles once, and only once, unlike my supervisor during those summers.  The beltway around our municipal area, one of our state's largest cities, was built largely of existing roads that did not connect; and he performed the survey of the centerline and shoulders, every hundred feet at the end of that chain, by which the belt was interconnected.  That road runs near my home, and I feel safer on that road than on any other.  (I also got to help survey some of the small rural bridges, over creeks, culverts, and ditches, that had been built under my grandfather's supervision.)    Sorry for the verbosity; I love to boast about my father and grandfather.  Your poem very effectively brought them to my immediate thoughts tonight, and I enjoyed reminiscing.  I hope your poem also reminds those who may be inconsiderate, as I was, toward their fathers---time is limited, do not waste it on grudges or disagreements.  My father and I reconciled dramatically after I nearly died from congestive heart failure, and six months before his own death.  Six months only.  Not nearly enough time, and the fault was mine.    
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crypticbard commented on: Civil Behavior by J-C4113D 2 years 6 days ago
Reminds me of Onslow's neck: Reminds me of Onslow's neck of the woods in comparison to lady Hyacinth 'Bouquet's' residence. Richard Bucket's rolling eyes says it all!
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Starward commented on: Civil Behavior by J-C4113D 2 years 6 days ago
Thank you.  Your comment is: Thank you.  Your comment is an excellent testimony is in, I gladly admit, far better than the poem on which you have commented.  The poem was also flawed due to the unintentional omission of one line, for which I apologize, and I have restored the line.
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Spinoza commented on: Civil Behavior by J-C4113D 2 years 6 days ago
we always have our feet:   In many a places of England, there are fine neighbourhoods – filled with many a fine people.   But many of those fine neighbourhoods, are often delineated by a single street… and on the other side of that street – there is chaos, belligerence, and ruffians of every sort.   Fifty meters can be the difference, between Night & Day… and two entirely different worlds. It is a truly strange phenomena.   They key, that I have always found of utmost importance, is to remember that we are all brothers.   Some, just grew-up on the wrong side of the street.   And I am more than happy to be a Samaritan, wherever God’s Spirit may lead me. Because in the end, we are all God’s children… and we must all love one another.   And where kindness falls on deaf ears, I always have my feet.     ~/~      
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Starward commented on: and everything was lost by Spinoza 2 years 6 days ago
What very wise words!: What very wise words!
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Spinoza commented on: Do you remember me? by Bec.J 2 years 6 days ago
sometimes the jewels fall through:   No matter how many jewels we put in the bag, sometimes, it is never enough.   As Frank Sinatra said, “That’s Life.”   But if time is gracious, there will be another season.  
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Spinoza commented on: and everything was lost by Spinoza 2 years 6 days ago
the karmic hope of every journey: The journey is everything. The destination – is but a stepping stone. The key, is to remember the hurt… in the hope that we do not repeat it, on the next journey.      
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Starward commented on: Battle him for the republic by Teytonon 2 years 6 days ago
The twelve month period that: The twelve month period that will begin to run from November's election to the general election of 2024 will be extremely critical to this Nation's future, its ultimate destiny, and the survival of our Republic---a body politic with the soul of Democracy.  It may be as critical to our future history as the election of 1864 was to our past history.  
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Starward commented on: You know who you are by Teytonon 2 years 6 days ago
This poem contains some very: This poem contains some very wise statements.
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crypticbard commented on: Children of Glass by HCE 2 years 1 week ago
Brings to mind glass on the: Brings to mind glass on the strand between the grains of sand both brigh sparkly and frosted, sharp and rounded, the exfoliating and bristling sunburn after brings a rawness and abrasion that only the beach can accomplish.
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georgeschaefer commented on: A BLIND PULLED by georgeschaefer 2 years 1 week ago
always recuuring themes: always recuuring themes
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Starward commented on: good soil with good people by Spinoza 2 years 1 week ago
The great French Poet and: The great French Poet and diplomat, Paul Claudel, was, late in life, introduced to the Mayor of Lyons prior to a political dinner.  As sunset began, the Mayor quoted a passage from Ovid comparing the purple light of sunset, on a marble column, to   a blush coming into a young lady's cheeks.  Paul Claudel said to himself, "This man will always be my friend."  When I read your comment, just now, and the quotation from Eliot, I thought of that Claudelian anecdote.
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Starward commented on: the cobbled road by Spinoza 2 years 1 week ago
Thank you so very much for: Thank you so very much for that reply, and for those very complimentary words.  I am overwhelmed by the kindness of them.  Thanks for making my day brighter.
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Spinoza commented on: the cobbled road by Spinoza 2 years 1 week ago
The Hutchison Effect & Cymatics:   The fingerprints are everywhere – from the microscopic to the macroscopic, and even the subatomic. But it goes, even well beyond this… into the very way energy radiates and ripples all around us, and by design – shapes our reality.   Nikola Tesla alluded to this, when he said – “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”   I especially came to understand this at a deeper level, when studying the “Hutchison Effect”… and “Cymatics”   Incredibly fascinating…   Cymatics     Hutchison Effect        
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