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Starward commented on: Dear Little Evan, #12 by ewbonitz 1 year 35 weeks ago
I like your writing style.  I: I like your writing style.  I love your reminiscences.  My heart goes out to Little Evan and, after reading this, to Zach.  But your bravery in posting this candor . . . let me say again, your BRAVERY . . . is both overwhelming and encouraging.  You are helping others as you continue to expand this series, but you are also setting an example of artistic honesty and how to push the envelope without being ostentatious or campy. PostPoems has several Poets whom I consider to be PILLARS or BEACONS of this community, and this consideration is not numerous because I am rather particular.  But among that small number of PostPoems' Pillars, to whom I gladly look up and whose poems and other writing I gladly read, you are included.  I am glad to see this series expanding---I believe it will do some mighty great things, now and in the future.
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Starward commented on: @ 27.225 MHz: Metaphoric Poem For Patriciajj by S74rw4rd 1 year 35 weeks ago
I feel highly privileged to: I feel highly privileged to be able to watch the ongoing expansion of your Poetic accomplishment.  That moment, after the Big Bang, when the stars began to coalesce and then to shine is an apt metaphor for your Poetry, as it is received on Postpoems.  The sound of any or all of Bach's Fugues would be an appropriate accompaniment and sound track to your Poems' development.
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Starward commented on: Footnote: Transition by S74rw4rd 1 year 35 weeks ago
You are correct.  With Lent: You are correct.  With Lent approaching, these thoughts become more preva;ent right now, but on the other side of Lent is the Pascal Celebration, and the coming of Spring.  Easter, or Pascha, has been my favorite Holiday since I was nine years old, and even more so now, as I draw ever close to my time of departure.  Plus, my continuing medical difficulties remind me, sometimes quite forcefully, of the ongoing failure of my health; and I am weary of these relentless aches and pains.  
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Starward commented on: Footnote: Transition by S74rw4rd 1 year 35 weeks ago
On that question, I am very: On that question, I am very torn.  On the one hand, I want to see my grandchildren grow up (five of the seven are not yet adults), and I feel I have many more poems to write; on the other hand, my Faith believes the Heavenly existence is so superior to this one, and with all my medical conditions I am almost anxious for my time to come. I truth the Lord to summon me when the time is right. Thanks for reading the poem and commenting.
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.225 MHz: Metaphoric Poem For Patriciajj by S74rw4rd 1 year 35 weeks ago
You are the Beacon of: You are the Beacon of PostPoems. Thank you kindly for your support. 
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crypticbard commented on: maudlin and sublime by ewbonitz 1 year 35 weeks ago
Moderation and balance the: Moderation and balance the classic remedy for equilibrium!
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crypticbard commented on: OTHER DIRECTION by georgeschaefer 1 year 35 weeks ago
oh yeah! the burbs! I grew up: oh yeah! the burbs! I grew up in the burbs and spent the early years of my married life there as well. Having lived in the heart of the city and spending all vacations in the farm has actually clued me in on these three types of human habitation.
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georgeschaefer commented on: OTHER DIRECTION by georgeschaefer 1 year 35 weeks ago
sadly still a suburban chap. : sadly still a suburban chap.  Guess that makes me a tweener.
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crypticbard commented on: What you want by alex73 1 year 35 weeks ago
Those butterflies are our: Those butterflies are our truest of friends! And you are right, writing is never wrong.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Cow Manure Into Compost by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 35 weeks ago
Thank you for highlighting: Thank you for highlighting that. I was hoping that would be well conveyed when I wrote it. Long overdue thank you. Sorry that I missed your comment at the time. Much gratitude. Hope life is treating you well.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Lobsters by rays_no_poet 1 year 35 weeks ago
That sounds like a very: That sounds like a very trippy image. Certainly unique. And I would say that your poetry extends creatively beyond it. What a story, what a curse, within the poem.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Footnote: Transition by S74rw4rd 1 year 35 weeks ago
Not so fast, though, eh?: Not so fast, though, eh?
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: What Broken Clocks and Amnesia Hearts Get Wrong by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 35 weeks ago
This is one of the most: This is one of the most meaningful remarks anyone has ever shared with me over something I wrote. Your critiques and support and your chains of thought that you build off of my shares do stay with me. I miss you, friend.
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alex73 commented on: What you want by alex73 1 year 35 weeks ago
I am not a writer. As you can: I am not a writer. As you can see. I write my words as they come to me. It may not make sense to professional writers but the great thing about writing is your never wrong.
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ewbonitz commented on: Dear Little Evan, #11 by ewbonitz 1 year 35 weeks ago
By the way, the poetry: By the way, the poetry reading went great tonight! I think I'm going to make it part of my Thursday evening routine. I got to read some old stuff and new stuff too. As for the verbose comments, I look forward to them every time. They're little dividends of return on my investment in poetry, and I can be a glutton for positive reinforcement when it comes to creativity! So, by all means continue remarking whenever you feel so moved. No need to hold back, I appreciate all the time you spend crafting the comments.
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