Footnote: Transition

Today, my name on

a poem; tomorrow, a gray

headstone presents it.


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lyrycsyntyme's picture

Not so fast, though, eh?

Not so fast, though, eh?

S74rd4rd157's picture

On that question, I am very

On that question, I am very torn.  On the one hand, I want to see my grandchildren grow up (five of the seven are not yet adults), and I feel I have many more poems to write; on the other hand, my Faith believes the Heavenly existence is so superior to this one, and with all my medical conditions I am almost anxious for my time to come.

I truth the Lord to summon me when the time is right.

Thanks for reading the poem and commenting.


redbrick's picture

This is a season in which the

This is a season in which the sentiment and thought of such truth is amplified.

My goodness, what a ride!

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

S74rd4rd157's picture

You are correct.  With Lent

You are correct.  With Lent approaching, these thoughts become more preva;ent right now, but on the other side of Lent is the Pascal Celebration, and the coming of Spring.  Easter, or Pascha, has been my favorite Holiday since I was nine years old, and even more so now, as I draw ever close to my time of departure.  Plus, my continuing medical difficulties remind me, sometimes quite forcefully, of the ongoing failure of my health; and I am weary of these relentless aches and pains.  
