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ramonathompsont commented on: Clark can’t super can by Teytonon 1 year 17 weeks ago
lol cute write. I really: lol cute write. I really enjoyed it
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Starward commented on: State of the World Today by Spinoza 1 year 17 weeks ago
Very perceptive and very: Very perceptive and very astute.  Our species has abandoned moral altruism for an unspiritual and immoral truancy, and we have too long ignored the great Poets---like yourself---who remind us of this unfortunate fact,
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Starward commented on: summer moonlight by Spinoza 1 year 17 weeks ago
Patricia's response to this: Patricia's response to this poem is so appropriate and well expressed that my own words have nothing that can be added to it.  I will say, however, that I applaud how much movement or process you have choreographed into the brevity of this poem.  There is the likening to a rose illuminated in moonlight; then a becoming, becoming the moon itself; then a ripening of moonlight upon some satis texture (satin on a bed, perhaps?), and then the effect of her heels' heat upon the speaker's brain.  The poem's apparent brevity reminds me of the placid surface of a substantial body of water---say, for example, a rural lake.  The surface impression (in this case, the poem's brevity) does not disclose the profound depths of meaning it contains, until it has been read---and multiple readings reveal a deeper connectedness to some of the finest Poetry of all time:  how many of our great Poets have written of rose, moonlight, and impressions burned into the mind.  Spinoza's poem connects with all of them, while remaining---independently and impressively---itself.  
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patriciajj commented on: summer moonlight by Spinoza 1 year 18 weeks ago
The first stanza births: The first stanza births picturesque and luminous imagery, the second blossoms into a majestic metaphor and the rest . . . Wow! It enters into some truly ethereal and elevated territory that interweaves sensuality with the sublime.   A praise-worthy creation I could read again and again and revel in as much as the first time.   Respect!   
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patriciajj commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Poem After Psalm 27 by J-C4113d 1 year 18 weeks ago
Timeless splendor and: Timeless splendor and authentic adoration swell like a symphony in this devotion worthy of being called a "Poem After Psalm 27". And King David is a tough act to follow!   But I know you didn't write this to receive accolades. Quite the opposite! So I'll just add that the truth of this, the sincerity and Light of this, touched my spirit.    Thousands of years later, The Psalms still live. 
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uninvited_1 commented on: State of the World Today by Spinoza 1 year 18 weeks ago
Agree 100% Could not have: Agree 100% Could not have penned any better. 
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Starward commented on: The Deep Wounds of Short Cuts by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 18 weeks ago
This poem is splendidly: This poem is splendidly philosophical or psychological or existential (I am sure each reader will see one or more of these aspects), all three at once, and it presents a paradox that I have never seen stated before:   that the shorter the cut, the deeper the wound.  To me, reading this for the first time this morning, your statement and explication of this paradoxical situation is short of brilliant.  Though the subject is tragic (sometimes bordering on comic when one realizes the stupidity of always taking the short cut to the deep wound), your presentation of it is elegant, empathetic, and very, very convincing.  This poem is not talking about something fictive---like perpetual motion machines, or little green aliens from Alpha Centauri; this poem is telling us of the very human condition into which so many of us wake, and from which so many of us retreat into fiftul and disturbed sleep.  You have posted a poem that is excellent in all of its aspects.
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Starward commented on: CLICHÉS OF WANNABE POETS AND PAINTERS by georgeschaefer 1 year 18 weeks ago
Thar first line, about the: Thar first line, about the streets being filled with broken dreams and cliches is so very poetic that it constritutes a poem of its own!
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patriciajj commented on: The Deep Wounds of Short Cuts by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 18 weeks ago
A strikingly insightful and: A strikingly insightful and brilliantly navigated journey through those exasperating psychological landscapes where even shortcuts are perilous. I get this!   Superb and highly identifiable.
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Starward commented on: Roses Don't Bleed by satishverma 1 year 18 weeks ago
I have been reading Poetry: I have been reading Poetry for fifty years, as of this past April.  And although I am at a loss to know what the name of your writing style is, or how it should be defined, I am sure, as sure as I have ever been about any poetry I have read in this half century, that I like your poetry very, very much.
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Starward commented on: Let It Go Hollyhock by satishverma 1 year 18 weeks ago
Once more I: Once more I applaud---fervently---the way you weave words together.
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aloneagain commented on: Sometimes I Wonder Do You Know Me by aloneagain 1 year 18 weeks ago
thank you: thank you i appreciate you're kind words i couldn't figure out the password since i did this when i was 16 i still write to this day and find a great release in getting the words out but in 2015 i lost my dad and b4 he died i wrote him a poem and he heard it and i have forgotten what an escape and how true poetry is because you know trama and heart break tend to change us but thanks so much for looking and liking the poem it means the world to me... also im coming to check out your poems now i fianlly got back in  
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aloneagain commented on: Despair by aloneagain 1 year 18 weeks ago
thank you: i appreciate you're kind words i couldn't figure out the password since i did this when i was 16 i still write to this day and find a great release in getting the words out but in 2015 i lost my dad and b4 he died i wrote him a poem and he heard it and i have forgotten what an escape and how true poetry is because you know trama and heart break tend to change us but thanks so much for looking and liking the poem it means the world to me
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Starward commented on: Melodies XLIX; The Professor Visits His Former Graduate Assistant by J-C4113d 1 year 18 weeks ago
Thank you very much for the: Thank you very much for the comment and the encouragement.  I had quite a bit of fun with this one.
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patriciajj commented on: Melodies XLIX; The Professor Visits His Former Graduate Assistant by J-C4113d 1 year 18 weeks ago
I always loved your micro: I always loved your micro epics that incorporate saavy humor, satirical style and some real chills as well. What could be more indulgent and delightful? It certainly brings back great memories of old horror classics that I couldn't get enough of back in the day.   With your whimsical descriptive powers and intriguing narration, you conjured up some shock—and some oddly satisfying laughs. The speaker's sardonic attitude, the speaker's situation itself, the experimenter's nonchalant attitude towards his errors, the dystopian project and the mystery of who was being addressed added several layers of enjoyment to this rich, dark and thrilling tale.   You did it again! Fantastic!    
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