The streets are filled with broken dreams and the clichés of wannabe poets and painters.  The musicians play sax and  flute in cool air.  Woman in tight shorts walks out of a building.  Tight shorts.  Little is left to anyone’s imagination.  Fantasy begins.  Better get a grip on it before it gets out of hand. . .she’s so hot. . .just walk on.  Keep walking; stop off somewhere for a drink.  That’s always a way to make it thru. .


Riddled with false dreams

hackneyed words splattered about

broken glass, litter

fanciful desires prance

fill us with lust and vision


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S74rw4rd123d's picture

Thar first line, about the

Thar first line, about the streets being filled with broken dreams and cliches is so very poetic that it constritutes a poem of its own!

Starwardized [fka Starward]

georgeschaefer's picture

thank you

thank you