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Teytonon commented on: PEN OF PASSION by wisdomscry 22 weeks 6 days ago
This is amazing..: This is amazing. An impressive achievement and a pleasure to read. I'd like to point something out regarding your title PEN OF PASSION. You may not be aware of this, but if you take the letters which make up that title and scramble them, you'll come up with how I feel many women think when they think about a relationship with a man: PEN OF PASSION = NO PENIS? O, F. PAS!    
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wisdomscry commented on: Your Serve by wisdomscry 23 weeks 31 min ago
   LOL:    LOL
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S74rw4rd commented on: My Savior by ForeverLonely 23 weeks 41 min ago
My sorrow goes out to you for: My sorrow goes out to you for having to have endured this suffering during those years.
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Teytonon commented on: Labyrinth by ForeverLonely 23 weeks 3 hours ago
Your name..: EE L E L L  E L L A E L L A F E L L A F E E L L A F E R E L L A F E R N E L L A F E R N A E L L A F E R N A L E L L A F E R N A L D 
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life_used_to_be... commented on: Grip by RainerBukowski 23 weeks 3 hours ago
As tell a story: As tell a story or make sense of a memory like no other. Excellent write my friend. 
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cathycavalcante commented on: Akin To Waters by cathycavalcante 23 weeks 3 hours ago If I was this: If I was this would be the longest pregnancy in history. lol I posted this in 2013-had nothing to do with pregnancy. I'm a mom to 4 grown adult children and 4 grandchildren as well.  
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Teytonon commented on: Akin To Waters by cathycavalcante 23 weeks 3 hours ago
I don’t want to pry..: I don't want to pry into your personal life. It's none of my business. But I was curious. Are you, by any chance, pregnant? I mean, your words 'liquid emotions drown me', 'thoughts and fears swim around', and 'I am akin to waters' sound to me like a woman whose water is about to break. Better to be safe than sorry. If I was you, I'd go to the ER immediately. You may not think you're on the verge of having a baby. Let them check to be sure. Keep me posted, ok?
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: SYNTACTICAL GYMNASTICS by georgeschaefer 23 weeks 5 hours ago
You've entered precious territory: I believe the same thing is true on my end, though I haven't checked the scale yet : p     
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georgeschaefer commented on: SYNTACTICAL GYMNASTICS by georgeschaefer 23 weeks 5 hours ago
and now there's more younger: and now there's more younger than me than older than me
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beaconzbard commented on: SOUND BITES BLARE by beaconzbard 23 weeks 6 hours ago
It's now on YouTube: YOu can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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beaconzbard commented on: IT’S YOUR WILL by beaconzbard 23 weeks 1 day ago
It's now on YouTube: You can now watch/listen to me read this one here:
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georgeschaefer commented on: BLONDE IN A MINI by georgeschaefer 23 weeks 1 day ago
absolutely. thanks for: absolutely. thanks for reading and commenting
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: SYNTACTICAL GYMNASTICS by georgeschaefer 23 weeks 1 day ago
We're all old when there's: We're all old when there's someone younger than us.
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beaconzbard commented on: IT IS THY WILL by beaconzbard 23 weeks 2 days ago
It's now on YouTube: You can now watch/hear me read this here:
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georgeschaefer commented on: SYNTACTICAL GYMNASTICS by georgeschaefer 23 weeks 2 days ago
What did Mick sing, What a: What did Mick sing, What a drag it is getting old
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