Liquid emotions
drown me
like reflective pools
in their shallow depth.
Thoughts and fears
swim around
like unknown inhabitants
in my ocean life.
Moods roll in
and roll out
like predictable tides
on a lunar schedual.
My heart fills
and empties and fills and empties
like reseviours
in a drought.
Tears trickle
falling down my face
like raindrops
on a windowpane.
I am akin to waters. If I was this If I was this would be the longest pregnancy in history. lol I posted this in 2013-had nothing to do with pregnancy. I'm a mom to 4 grown adult children and 4 grandchildren as well.
It is a great thing to have
It is a great thing to have grandchildren. My wife and I parented a blendid family (three children from our previous marriages), and they have now blessed us with seven grandchildren. But . . . when the two great-grandchildren arrived, just a couple of years ago, we began to feel old. We thought of ourselves as young grandparents, but "young great grandparents" seems to be a contradiction in terms.
I don’t want to pry..
I don't want to pry into your personal life. It's none of my business. But I was curious. Are you, by any chance, pregnant? I mean, your words 'liquid emotions drown me', 'thoughts and fears swim around', and 'I am akin to waters' sound to me like a woman whose water is about to break. Better to be safe than sorry. If I was you, I'd go to the ER immediately. You may not think you're on the verge of having a baby. Let them check to be sure. Keep me posted, ok?