This astonishing and resonate: This astonishing and resonate work of art cuts deep, especially in your sly and witty voice. So many quotable lines to admire, connect with and nod in agreement to. Really feeling this!
Rejection and it's twin,: Rejection and it's twin, abandonment are quite rife and surround us and where we expect it the least is where it hurts the most. Thanks for sharing.
Wow! This is a magnificent..: Wow! This is a magnificent piece of work! My first thought on seeing it was, this is so long! Long, yes, but well-written and fascinating to read. Thank you so much for sharing it.
By the way, I was looking at your name. If you take the letters in your name and scramble them, you can come up with the following: GAIL CLARKE = A, G. REALLI C, K?
And since I can't leave well enough alone, if you're interested the type of poetry I compose, look at your online name. Haven't figured how the W fits in, but nevertheless. WISDOMS CRY = SRIOS CMDY. W?
Ok, I figured out where the W goes. If you're Elmer Fudd, he'd say I compose