come towards the bed
winged loneliness
her thighs
arches to the garden
a purple mouth flower
with pink steps and tears
for a priestly penis
this crying queen
whispers flimsy secrets that gnaw
that gnaw like malignity's orphan hood
her hips
a wigwam sanctuary
coagulations of crossed paths
fantastwatia - child of Aphrodite
stiff with threads of milk
like vast groaning plumage
and a soft kiss cantata
aborts sorrows
with red cock hammers
and acetylene ejaculations
butter fingered rectum
point to heavens
silver eyed wet mouthed harlots
taste pumpkin cake
teeth white marble
cum spit
biting her blood crowded shadows
bikini trim hangs from timber thighs
balls and mouths
rushing ambulances
for a fuck emergency
to orchid pussy aviaries
split grape gape
and sugar red throat tongue dance
with a smiling swallow
drooling mourning flower
and the violence of desire
like leviathan intestines
that drown the sun
Oh My
Some very vivid images...colorful and botanical...
Yes :) Thank you. Almost
Yes :) Thank you. Almost everything i write is on this subject. I stopped posting here because i found this site rather estranging. Im not sure why
But i very much appreciate you taking the time to read this and commeting Many thanks Debbie!