I know
It's hard
It's hard to know
It's difficult to bear this burden
It's not the mental pains
Or the physical fatigue from it all
It's the opinions of others towards me
They think I'm crazy
Being decietful
Having fantasies
And most of all
Others being assumitive
The ones who not know
Think me not of my knowing
But believe in my lack of it
They think I don't know
They think they know what I don't
They are wrong
I know
I am a genius surrounded by idiots
Not for my intellegence
Not for my wisdom
For those don't matter
It is because I know
They don't believe me
They pass it off as mediocre
another "phase"
It's more than a "phase"
It's my life
It's my thoughts
Everyone else is a four
I am a eight
I know
They need to know that
I know
I never realized how much
I never realized how much this sounds like a childish temper tantrum until now....