Compulsory Education, 1973-74

In high school, throughout all my sophomore year,

I walked through those long halls in bullied fear,

my self-esteem?---less than a jot or tittle.

No girl looked on me with a thought for love.

One friday, my clothes were marked with the spittle

of athletes who spat on me from above

the bleachers where I happened to be sitting.

The full year was a fool's farce of misfitting.

Often I saw my given name of "Jerry,"

written on walls are blackboards next to "fairy."

My parents---cheerleader, basketball star---

ignored these incidents and let them mar

what passed for my high school experience.

To them, it simply made no common sense.





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In some circles, Jerry would be considered a great compliment. 

Copyright © JessterStarshine

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Thank you.  But in what way? 

Thank you.  But in what way?  I have never found it particularly meaningful.  Like Henri Beyle, who was more comfortable as Stendhal, I have fled from my mundane name.


Jesster's picture

Grateful dead

Copyright © JessterStarshine

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Uh . . . no, I had not

Uh . . . no, I had not thought of him; and, at that time, I do not think he would have made the name easier to bear.
