Fuck Life!

I don't give a shit about life anymore!

And we all know life doesn't give a damn about me!

So why is life still in me?

Why doesn't someone just take away my life?

I don't want it,

And obviously you don't care for it either!

So let's just take life and throw it away!

No one will miss it,

No tears would be shed!

You don't know how much I wish I was dead!

My own fucking family laughing at my own fucking misery!

Look at my dead body on the floor!

Is it funny now?

You're all fuckers in my eyes!

You can all go fuck yourselves!

I want you all to dig your own damn graves!

I would just LOVE to see your blood drip from your viens!

That's a change,

Usually im the one holding the knife to my throat,

As you are all watching TV drinking a coke!

And I don't get questioned why I'm doing this to myself!

They don't care why I'm so obsessed with killing myself!

But what happens when they see the blood is all just a blurr!

Basically I get bitch slapped for getting the floor all messy!

It's not my fault you don't pay any attention to me!

You made my fucking life a living Hell!

Don't be surprised if I end up in jail!

But you won't be, because you will be DEAD!

I'll kill all you motherfuckers who share this roof over my head!

And I'll be the one laughing when you're rotting underground,

And then your soul will be burning in Hell!

Because you made my own life so fucking bad,

I'm going to control the path your after life is heading to!

And there isn't one god damn mother fucking thing you can do!

While you guys are mourning your own deaths,

I'll be in jail with the gun to my head!

I'll be smiling because of what I did to you!

I lived my life to the fullest,

But of course that's in my own eyes!

The next thing to happen is of no surprise!

I cock the gun at my own head!

Then I just collapse, lay there and DIE!

I hate life!

But I did all that I could do!

I did what I wanted to do all my fucking life!

And that, of course, was to kill the whole lot of you!

So now that I have experienced what it's like to be dead,

Since I took the bullet to my head,

I just have one more fucking thing to say,


Author's Notes/Comments: 

i wanna die...in case u havent noticed...

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This sums up how I'm feeling today, tonight. On one hand I was going to write someone to let it all out, but on the second hand I couldn't fight keeping it all in. Old habits die hard. At least you're better at getting out what's on your mind.