
Lynn Night

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

i enjoy...hurtin lil animalz...watchin them wiggle around so helpless...it makez me feel...powerful...now i kno how god felt when he made me...

it duznt realli matter wut i have 2 say in here...im gonna end up bein ignored neway...itz not like ne1 givez a damn...itz not like ne1 givez a fuck...i could friggin die rite now...no1 would kno...

About My Navel

YAY!THEY R ASKIN BOUT MY BELLYBUTTON!i love my bellybutton.i seriously do.i named it bellibotton.it haz a b/f named wally botton.but wally botton cheated on bellibotton w/ dave.but bellibotton n wally botton have swapt lint...if u no wut i mean:)

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

'I am a freak show, not a free show.' ~ me


Member for
21 years 3 weeks