My reason for being

i sit and i watch my children play

wondering why i stay

then one turns to me with a smile as if to say

*mommy i love you*

and that enough to answer  what ever doubts came my way.

to see their smiles, to hear them play

to know that in some small way

i am the reason for them smiles  for the words they say

no way

could i ever stray

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My children are my reason i am who i am..... love you dylon  damon and  dylana

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Brandi S.'s picture

Hey, I know that feeling. And you have expressed it to a t. Sometimes I hate everything, but when one of my girls gives me a hug and tells me she loves me, it all goes away. They are my sanity, and my every reason for being here.
I hope to read more of your works in the future.