Dylon - My lil Man

you came into this  world  with hell of a fight

watching you grow  was a sight

your giggle  so loud

making sure we all heard you

your  black hair  never looking combed

your dark eyes  wanting to see  everything

you talked before most

and once you started walking

was no stoping you

we grew together

was you n me against the world

then 5 yrs later

came your brother

whom god took to live with him

i wanted to die

but i looked at you and you asked why

mommy i am here you said

so together we marched on

marrying your dad

there you stood yet again by my side

all tall n proud

the day your  brother was born

you was so glad now a playmate for you

then  your father died  and  i thought it would end

but  yet agian  we  marched on

then came the divorce  n the birth of your sister

not wanting to go on

you grabbed my hand  and said

mom we must

and together again we marched on

always my rock

and at such a young age already a man

my son without you'd i be lost

without i would be none

i love you with all of my being

if  i could  have one wish

it would be  for you to grow up

and have a happy life

for you ahve made my so fullfilled n so happy

i love you always    

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is about my 10 yr old son dylon who has been thru more then most kids his age...his birth father drowned,  the divorce, n birth of his sister all in '99  ...and yet he still smiles  and  is one of the biggest joys of my life....brings a smile to all who know him  i love him with all my heart

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From one Mom to another- Keep up the good work :-)!